The Most Popular Language For Machine Learning and Data Science Is …
Don M
Posts: 1,653
Thought some of you might find this interesting...
He just says: I did comp. sci. therefor Python.
I might infer from it that is what comp. sci. grads have used mostly in their studies now a days. Like they used to use Lisp, Sceme back in the day. Then Java. Which is kind of depressing.
Frankly, the rest of the article is similarly wafflely and useless.
The best part is in one of the comments (by the author himself):
"Python is slow when you use just Python. But when you use Python for machine learning you mostly use packages written in compiled languages (C, C++, Cython, even Fortran) and you get good performance."
So there we have it. When it comes to Machine Learning and Data Science the real stuff is written in real languages like C++ and Fortran. That is where the actual computer science is.
Typical sheeple type....can never explain WHY slow, bloated languages are "better".
I bet he uses an iPhone.
Seems he is quite happy with C++ and is only suggesting Python for the sheeple
Edited to add link:
ROFLOL, and it's of great use in other areas like home repairs, renovations, and general tinkering.
Lots of smilies ... I'll make the distinction between science and engineering here. The scientific stuff is often just proof of concept when it comes to coding. One then reengineers the code to a compiled language.
Seems to me JS and it's event driven programming model would be an excellent choice if you machine learning system is spanning multiple machines and dealing with a lot of data throughput. Like this:
Don't forget automotive repairs, my pole barn should be soundproofed.
Yes, agreed - I concluded many years ago that if there's ever a language obsoleted then that's got to be Awk. Anything Awk can do can be done better in more modern alternatives. And if anyone thinks Perl is difficult to read, they haven't read Awk. And I don't doubt for a second that Javascript can do all of it. Python can too. And Ruby. And so on. The only old tools I still use regularly, for simple stuff, is sed and tr. Well, more tr than sed (a Perl one-liner is as easy, and more capable.)
Now a days I think, what the hell with shell scripting let's just knock this up in JS, Python, Perl or whatever takes your fancy.
That leaves some of the simpler tools nice to have for those interactive one liners.
There is a bunch of guys around here that want to throw away all the normal Unix user land and just boot from the Linux kernel into a JS REPL.
projects well, too." The "The AWK Programming Language" and FSF awk reference card make it really easy to learn or relearn. But I doubt that many people are bothering too much with awk these days. I do find it useful for simple text processing though. Often this is throwaway scripts typed on the command line.