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HollyMinkowski Speculations — Parallax Forums

HollyMinkowski Speculations

ercoerco Posts: 20,261
edited 2017-01-06 20:43 in General Discussion
We haven't heard from forumista Holly since ~October 2012. She was going back into the Israeli military IIRC. She was a bright young lady. After watching the attached video about custom hardware & software on Israeli F-35s, I couldn't help but think that she would be quite an asset to their military on projects such as this.

I worked at Pratt & Whitney in 1982-83 in R&M for the F-100 jet engine in F15s and F16s. At that time, only the Israelis had used their F16s in real combat. We would have loved to get failure mode/failure rate data from them, but their security procedures would not allow that. If anyone knows best security practices, it's the Israelis. Anyone besides me ever flown on El-Al airlines? The company slogan is "It's not just an airline. It's Israel." Wiki it.

Wherever you are, Holly, I hope you're safe, happy, and productive. And please check in to the forum sometime to say hi and let us know how you're doing.


  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    Is this sort of post wise ?
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    Hope so. It's not her real name.
  • erco wrote: »
    Hope so. It's not her real name.

    I agree. That's her cover name......

    Oh and you do know why their F-35s are that good? Take a big guess......
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    Oh and you do know why their F-35s are that good? Take a big guess......

    Likely something to do with you claiming to have spotted my robots at the Port Authority Bus Terminal again.

  • erco wrote: »
    Oh and you do know why their F-35s are that good? Take a big guess......

    Likely something to do with you claiming to have spotted my robots at the Port Authority Bus Terminal again.

    Funny. I actually saw them dodging zealots in the subway.

  • I googled Holly a while back to see what projects she might be working on. Looks like she dropped off the face of the Earth. If she reads this, I wisher her the best. I miss those days on the forums.
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    IIRC she was going (back?) into the military. Hopefully she's just busy doing what she does best, she was a bright star here in the forum. Obviously Israeli defense has its hands full these days.

    25 years ago, Mattel sent 5 of us designers to Israel to meet with various aerospace firms who had "more affordable" trickle-down technology. Awesome trip, we saw night vision, head-up displays, robotics, all kinds of cool things. Still hopelessly expensive for toys then, but we're starting to see all these things now in toys and consumer products.

    That trip we flew SAS on the way there and El-Al on the way back. Dramatically different body types on the stewardesses. :)
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