Those Bs2 modules are quite expensive. You can buy a Pickit3 for $49. Then the Pic16F57 dip is only $0.70-$0.88 each. So for the price of a Bs2 module you can buy a pickit3 and a handful of Pic16 and program all you want in C with a free MPLAB. If your looking at a production platform.
The Bs2 is a great student and hobbyist tool I still like tinkering with it. has a Basic compiler for the PIC series (PICBASIC PRO) that's reasonably priced. I used it some years ago and it worked well for the project I was working on. I wanted to write my program mostly in Basic, but needed some special stuff written in PIC assembly code. You can't do that with a Basic Stamp. On the other hand, there's no way I'd try to teach introductory programming particularly in middle or high school using PICBASIC PRO.
I am guessing you couldnt buy the equivalent chip n program them using the bs software?
No, you cannot. The BASIC Stamp is an interpreter. The Stamp program compiles the the program to byte codes which are stored on an EEPROM -- the interpreter in the BASIC Stamp is not affected. On reboot, your new program is pulled from the EEPROM and executed.
If you're going to go the PIC route, another compiler -- that is free and not bad -- is called Great Cow BASIC. I use it on simple PIC projects for cosplay tchotchkes. My friend Miyo cosplayed Apple from "Turbo Kid" and wanted the blinky LED gadget exposed by being shot. I didn't have a lot of time so I used PCB Express in a box to create a single-sided board in my kitchen, the GCB to code little charlie-plex code to control six LEDs from a very small PIC. I matched the behavior to the movie and threw in a few flourishes. She was thrilled.
No, you cannot. The BASIC Stamp is an interpreter. The Stamp program compiles the the program to byte codes which are stored on an EEPROM -- the interpreter in the BASIC Stamp is not affected. On reboot, your new program is pulled from the EEPROM and executed.
If you're going to go the PIC route, another compiler -- that is free and not bad -- is called Great Cow BASIC. I use it on simple PIC projects for cosplay tchotchkes. My friend Miyo cosplayed Apple from "Turbo Kid" and wanted the blinky LED gadget exposed by being shot. I didn't have a lot of time so I used PCB Express in a box to create a single-sided board in my kitchen, the GCB to code little charlie-plex code to control six LEDs from a very small PIC. I matched the behavior to the movie and threw in a few flourishes. She was thrilled.
I will check that out. Thanks. Though i will need a programmer to use i think. Is the language much different from The BasicStamp's language?
Inexpensive PICkit 3 clones from Banggood - under $20 last time I checked, does everything I need.
Micromite BASIC - powerful interpreter runs on PIC32MX family including 28 pin DIP versions (multiple chips for range of power and costs and features).
Google is your friend...I won't provide links out of respect to our host.
Is the language much different from The Basic Stamp's language?
Yes, there are big differences, because you're writing for a chip versus writing code for an interpreter that handles low level details. My bias toward Parallax is well known, but I still say without hesitation that nobody makes languages as elegant as Parallax. PBASIC became the standard. Spin is a wonderful language from the Propeller. Both were created by Chip Gracey in an effort to have the language facilitate success without undo effort.
When I do occasional PIC projects using PBP or GCB, I find myself swearing at my computer quite a lot. Some -- especially PBP -- claim to be very PBASIC-like, but they really aren't. Remember, too, that you need to understand the low-level detail of your target PIC.
It would be great to see a expanded Bs2 interpreter maybe using a Pix 32xxx or ARM32 chip. I know there is prop basic but I like spin or pasm for the prop. I remember the bs2 coprocessor .
The Bs2 is a great student and hobbyist tool I still like tinkering with it.
No, but you could buy a propeller and run one of the basics that are available for it.
No, you cannot. The BASIC Stamp is an interpreter. The Stamp program compiles the the program to byte codes which are stored on an EEPROM -- the interpreter in the BASIC Stamp is not affected. On reboot, your new program is pulled from the EEPROM and executed.
If you're going to go the PIC route, another compiler -- that is free and not bad -- is called Great Cow BASIC. I use it on simple PIC projects for cosplay tchotchkes. My friend Miyo cosplayed Apple from "Turbo Kid" and wanted the blinky LED gadget exposed by being shot. I didn't have a lot of time so I used PCB Express in a box to create a single-sided board in my kitchen, the GCB to code little charlie-plex code to control six LEDs from a very small PIC. I matched the behavior to the movie and threw in a few flourishes. She was thrilled.
I will check that out. Thanks. Though i will need a programmer to use i think. Is the language much different from The BasicStamp's language?
Micromite BASIC - powerful interpreter runs on PIC32MX family including 28 pin DIP versions (multiple chips for range of power and costs and features).
Google is your friend...I won't provide links out of respect to our host.
Yes, there are big differences, because you're writing for a chip versus writing code for an interpreter that handles low level details. My bias toward Parallax is well known, but I still say without hesitation that nobody makes languages as elegant as Parallax. PBASIC became the standard. Spin is a wonderful language from the Propeller. Both were created by Chip Gracey in an effort to have the language facilitate success without undo effort.
When I do occasional PIC projects using PBP or GCB, I find myself swearing at my computer quite a lot. Some -- especially PBP -- claim to be very PBASIC-like, but they really aren't. Remember, too, that you need to understand the low-level detail of your target PIC.