Options needed 12VDC Automotive (13.2VDC) to 5 and 3.3vdc
Brian Carpenter
Posts: 728
Is there a power regulator that you like best for making 5 and 3.3 vdc for propeller project from automotive car battery supply?
thank you
thank you
Here's a schematic from one of my boards, the 100uf is a cheap electro but the 10uF are typically tantalum although I do use ceramics at times. The resistor and diode are a form of filter and isolator and input protection in one, the resistor and capacitor does dampen input transients somewhat and the diode is used both for supply reversal and also to stop any charge from being drained back in case of a "brownout" on the input supply. If you have some big motors that run off your input supply you simply use a larger input cap(s), but not on the output of the regulator for a variety of reasons, just let the regulator handle the regulation. btw, the resistor also acts as a fuse if there is some kind of sustained overload.