RN-42 and Propeller Board of Education Connection
I have the Propeller Board of Education mounted on a Boe Bot chassis and the Bluetooth RN-42. I want to program it remotely using Bluetooth. I am using BlockyProp and I am able connect to the RN-42 but I can't program my robot. I need to know what Propeller pins to connect the RN-42 too or information how to connect so I can program it.
Any help would be appreciated.
Any help would be appreciated.
Required libraries: ping, simpletools, servo
Library compile order: None needed
Compile successful
Ignored 249 bytes.
error: no propeller chip on port 'COM8'
You need to connect Din (RX) on the RN-42 to a Tx pin on the Propeller and Dout (TX) from the RN-42 to a RX pin on the prop. The Prop RX and TX pins can be software defined and the serial connection is created with:
fdserial_open(int rxpin, int txpin, int mode, int baudrate)
b_tooth = fdserial_open(15, 14, 0, 9600);
You may have to set the Baud rate on the RN-42 to match how the Propeller is set.
There is another thread where someone posted C code to work with a QuickStart board, but I am not sure if it works or not.
In the end, I'm not sure if this will give a means to program the Propeller via the Bluetooth connect. With the BOE, I believe you would need access to pins P30 (RX) and P31(Tx) but these do not seem to be brought out to a header connection.
My problem is with board of education. The Rx and Tx propeller pins are not accessible.
Of course I would have got RevB. I could have used the pads on the bottom if I had RevA.