in Propeller 1
Does anyone have a schematic of the Propellerpowered PE shield? I have one that I would like to use but I cannot find the documentation since I crashed an old Hard drive.
Do you have a picture of it? It may jog my memory.
Does this help?
I'm trying to figure out how one would use one of these boards. It seems like it would be just as easy to plug wires directly into the appropriate hole in the QuickStart header rather than using the shield. I have the impression the shield just moves the QuickStart's header to headers corresponding to pin positions of a DIP chip.
Such a nice board, I don't want to use it for anything permanent. I do have a couple with M&F headers + small breadboard. The QuickStart is a popular board, with a lot of examples out there, will these proto boards be hard to find some day soon?
Are you using a QuickStart board? If so the QuickStart board includes a pads for delta sigma components. These pads are just above the two holes with the Greek letters delta and sigma.
I've used delta sigma very few times myself. I've read it's best to keep the traces to the delta sigma components short but I've also read forum posts from people claiming delta sigma works fine with longer wires.