HC-06 Bluetooth help
in BASIC Stamp
How do I use HC-06 with a education usb stamp bs2? I have a basic understanding of pbasic 2.5 and got it to connect to my phone but what now to take inputs for controlling motors?
Welcome to the forums.
Friendly tip: If you include code and wiring diagram / photo to show what you have done so far, then that might help people to understand your question better.
Maybe this free pdf book will help: https://www.parallax.com/downloads/robotics-boe-bot-text
Although for another board, it contains lots of code snippets and circuit examples that probably include the basics of what you want to do.
If you look over the Parallax website or the learn.parallax.com site, you'll find various similar resources too, if that one doesn't quite answer all your questions.
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.