Turn Homework from USB to serial .
in BASIC Stamp
Any idea about how can I remove the USB ftdi chip and electtonics and
turn the HomeWork to the old serial one ?
Help please.
How about I just send you a brand new Board of Education Serial board:
Just PM me.
extra boards.
But do you know whish cables I have to cut ? Even I don't need the DB) . I need just the cables.
( about 21 feet)
That may be possible but it's a giant step backwards.
Angela: Are you in the US? There are plenty of serial boards around. Publison just offered to send you one. In your July thread, I mentioned that I got Parallax's last box of brand new serial HW boards. How many do you need?
I found active USB extension.
Please see: https://sewelldirect.com/usb-20-active-extension-cable-34-ft
Do you think the new Homework will work with the active USB extension cable ?
Thanks, but I don't want to buy.
I just want to know how can I extend the cable lenght . For this reason I need to know if you know if the USB Homework will work with the active USB extension cable.