How to make a christmas tree reader for drag racing
Is it possible with today's technology to build or install a sensor that will pick up the first amber on Christmas Tree & activate delay box. If so what kind of supplies would I need & i also need a wiring Schematic.
Is this for a NHRA christmas tree, or for a soap box derby, or a pinewood derby?
Where is the detector located?
Sound like it would need some computing power. You might try: for some ideas.
If it is for smaller venues, we might be able to help.
So this is a full size track?
Sound like trying to cheat driver reaction time?
You would need time to test it, this means you would need to test at the same distance as the racecar..
If you can find an identical light, buy one for at home, and set up the same distances, use binocular like lens to enlarge the light at far distance.
This color sensor would most likely do the job, as long as you use a lens focused and aimed properly.
The schematic and code can be found in the app notes with the color sensor.
Find the downloads and documentation below.
You can develop the code and device probably using a standard stoplight in the street. This would prove you can use a lens to magnify the light, and would prove it will work in daylight and night, and you can tweak the code so it behaves how you want.
What you are doing here is not a beginner project, for a proof of concept project, its not cheap, the color sensor is 60$, and that doesn't include the daughter board or the propeller board for programming.
Not does this include the lens you need or the attachment/box of the lens to the color sensor.
But can it be done? Absolutely, but it would take some experience in electronics and programming to get it going and right.
I think this is a very interesting project.
The problem is the alignment of the plastic tube on the car to the tree to be watched.
Cheap astronomical telescopes have a small tube attached to the main scope to 'point' it to the place you want to are observe, maybe this could work here too.
So some sort of gimbal attached inside the car with two tubes slightly angled to each other should allow you to position it quite fast, some manual experience needed for the angle between the tubes. Just look thru one of the tubes to adjust the other one with some photo-transistor/photo-resistor? (or what they are called in English) in it.
Put a potentiometer in it to adjust the sensitivity, point to the tree segment you are interested in and dial it down to barely not responding to ambient light.
If the segment of the tree lights up you should get a measurable response.
Keep it simple,