S3 Info Poster - reformatted to 8.5 x 11

My students start by going through the 8 demos that are factory-installed. This is before they do anything on the computer. They are wearing out the large color guide to demos that comes in the box. The PDF for the poster is available: https://parallax.com/downloads/scribbler-s3-robot-info-poster
I don't have a color printer that can print the PDF at its size of 40x50 cm. It would be great if someone could split the 16 panels of the doc into 16 pages that could be printed on letter-size paper. I don't have software or skills to use a PDF editor to dissect a file and flip some panels. Does anyone know how to do that right off the top of their head (and would be willing)?
I don't have a color printer that can print the PDF at its size of 40x50 cm. It would be great if someone could split the 16 panels of the doc into 16 pages that could be printed on letter-size paper. I don't have software or skills to use a PDF editor to dissect a file and flip some panels. Does anyone know how to do that right off the top of their head (and would be willing)?
(it's just over the forum's 2MB limit, so I had to zip it to squeak it in)
Thanks a million.
- John