Cannot connect to BS2p40
in BASIC Stamp
Yesterday this problem showed up after months of using the BS2p40 to run a bandsaw sawmill. When I hit F9 it tries to connect then says no basic stamp found. It is setup to connect on com12. I've checked Device Manager and updated com12 driver. No help. I've checked preferences in the editor and its setup for com12, 9600, 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit. I've tried another usb cable. No help. The BS2p40 is running a program so it must be ok. I've logic probed serial in and serial out of the cpu and I get activity on both when I press F9 so it would seem the serial bd is ok. I'm able to connect to a BS2 stamp on com8.
Can anyone Help me?
Can anyone Help me?
ECHO test passed, meaning the issue in in the module itself.
Thanks for that Technical troubleshooting/operation of the Micro-Controller. Will add that to my knowledge base.
Thanks again
There are a other possibilities that are outside my ability to test for and/or see remotely. Noisy power supply. Low power. Short/Break on the DTR/ATN line, etc. Even /RST being held low on the module.
And what is this 'noisy poser supply" posing as?
LOL, sorry Chris, couldn't resist that one.
My phone is constantly trying to change real words into e-mail addresses I don't even recognize.
I know what you mean. Really aggravating when the so called AI software insists on changing what you want to what it thinks is correct. Even worse when you don't notice it and it gets sent to a customer.
That's funny, I have trouble sounding intelligent without the help of auto-correct, when your in a hurry it's surprising what gets put down, proof reading is a must. What burns me up is when you need spell correction on a simple word and it doesn't have a clue.