BST throwing relocation and negative object position errors.
Tracy Allen
Posts: 6,664
Bst has been throwing error messages like the attached screen shots, and I don't know where to look to resolve the problem. It has to do with compiling OBJ assignments. I think it has something to do with the system or configuration of bst on this particular Mac (Macbook running 10.6.8), because I can compile the same programs just fine on a different Mac running bst or on a PC running the PropTool.
The screen shots are from the minimal programs below, and the result has very little to do with the actual objects chosen. I did not have to choose umath and basic_i2c_driver.
The exact message depends on what objects are included and the order that they appear in the OBJ list in the child program. This first cropped up in a long complex program, of course, when I tried to add some of my own objects that run fine by themselves and in other contexts, tears hair.
I've tried deleting the bst.ini file and the bst.plist file, and also reinstalling bst and bstc, but to no avail. Also rebuilt the editor and compiler paths. Any suggestions are appreciated. I have precious little hair left to lose!
The screen shots are from the minimal programs below, and the result has very little to do with the actual objects chosen. I did not have to choose umath and basic_i2c_driver.
The exact message depends on what objects are included and the order that they appear in the OBJ list in the child program. This first cropped up in a long complex program, of course, when I tried to add some of my own objects that run fine by themselves and in other contexts, tears hair.
' parent "huh1.spin" OBJ huh2 : "huh2" ' this program runs fine on its own when the child object is commented out. PUB main dira[3..2] := %11 ' bipolar r/g led on p2 to p3 with resistor outa[3..2] := %01 repeat !outa[3..2] waitcnt(clkfreq/2+cnt)
'child "huh2.spin" OBJ i2c : "basic_i2c_driver" ' if both objects are included, bst throws the relocation error umath : "umath" ' if only one is present, it throws the negative position error ' if neither are present, it throws an error but does not show any error text. PUB main ' this program runs fine on its own. dira[3..2] := %11 ' bipolar r/g led on p2 to p3 with resistor outa[3..2] := %01 repeat !outa[3..2] waitcnt(clkfreq/2+cnt)
I've tried deleting the bst.ini file and the bst.plist file, and also reinstalling bst and bstc, but to no avail. Also rebuilt the editor and compiler paths. Any suggestions are appreciated. I have precious little hair left to lose!