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Macro Assembler for P1, P2 — Parallax Forums

Macro Assembler for P1, P2

From another thread .. musings on Macro Assemblers, for P1 and P2 ...
Re assembler - I would love to see a macro-assembler for the Prop!

I'm just now digging into fasmg , which continues to impress, the more I find out..
fasmg is the generic any-mcu macro version of fasm.

fasmg is part script engine, part assembler, and it is truly powerful.
It is coded in fasm, and comes in at a stunning 48k exe
Seems to have multi pass, and a means for automatic dead code removal.
HEX and LST are created via more scripts....

Download fasmg with examples, is a compact 236k

Parallax P8X32A thread I started, to get some tips on how to best drive fasmg.


  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,175
    edited 2016-09-22 20:55
    Example of progress so far, mainly quick framework testing :
    Some web-help, and now Updated to include both IF_ Prefix and W Suffix handling.
    ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now Expanded to support Suffix too.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ;web suggestion 
    define NR SUFF -001b 
    define WC SUFF 010b 
    define WZ SUFF 100b 
    define SUFF
    gParC = 1111b ; default, globalV init
    macro F_ZCDS? ParD*,S_Suffix*&  ; & for ParS and any suffix controls
       gZCR = 001b ; default
       match S =SUFF suffix, S_Suffix  ;splits S,
           ParS = S 
           local flags 
           iterate flag,suffix   ; comma delimited list 
               if flag >= 0 
                   gZCR = gZCR or flag 
               else  ;NR 
                   gZCR = gZCR and not -flag 
               end if 
           end iterate 
           ParS = S_Suffix 
       end match 
       gZCDS  = (gZCR shl 23) + gParC shl 18 + (ParD and 0x1ff) shl 9 + ParS and 0x1ff 
       gParC = 1111b ; restore global default, after use  
    end macro  
    ;           ZCRi    
    ;XOR 011011 001i cccc ddddddddd sssssssss  
    ;    109876 5432 1098 765432109 876543210  
    macro qXOR? ParD*,ParS*& ; ParC now global, ZCR via any suffix 
        F_ZCDS ParD,ParS     
        match #data, ParS  
            dd (011011_000_1b shl 22) + gZCDS  
            dd (011011_000_0b shl 22) + gZCDS  
        end match    
    end macro 
    ; ~~~~~~~~~ Build 32 IF_ variants ~~~~~~~~~~~~    
    iterate <Cond,wxyz>,\
        macro qIF_#Cond? instruction&  
            gParC = wxyz ; apply CC value, now global
        end macro  
    end iterate 
    ; ~~~~~~~~~ Test coverage ~~~~~~~~~~~~
    qIF_Z      qXOR 0AH,#05H  WC       ;C field set    011
    qIF_Z      qXOR 0AH,#05H  WZ       ;Z field set    101 
    qIF_Z      qXOR 0AH,#05H  WZ,WC    ;ZC field set   111 
    qIF_Z      qXOR 0AH,#05H  WC,WZ    ;ZC field set   111 
    qIF_Z      qXOR 0AH,#05H  NR       ;R field clr    000
               qXOR 0AH,#05H           
               qXOR 0AH,#05H  WC   ; Fixed with  push iterate flag,suffix into G_CDS?        
    qIF_ALWAYS qXOR 0AH,#05H 
    ; field checks 
    	dd	(001b shl 23)  ; default
    	dd	(101b shl 23)  ; wz
    	dd	(111b shl 23)  ; wz wc
    	dd	(000b shl 23)  ; nr
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,210
    Looks really neat, jmg. I wish I had time to learn about it right now.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,175
    cgracey wrote: »
    Looks really neat, jmg. I wish I had time to learn about it right now.

    So far it looks promising, the idea is to find a good Macro Assembler, so you can focus on other, more critical things instead...
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    I would like to see a short program using just a couple of P1 instructions, and the results of the compilation to get a better feel for it.

    If the preliminaries look good, then there are probably enough of us to write macros for each instruction once we have a complete macro for one instruction (ie including labels, condcodes, etc).
  • The P2 pointer syntax may be a bit of a challenge for the assembler. It will also be interesting to see if it can automatically figure out which JMP code to use under different conditions. And then there's the differences in hub versus cog addressing, and when to use relative addresses versus absolute addresses.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,175
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    I would like to see a short program using just a couple of P1 instructions, and the results of the compilation to get a better feel for it.

    If the preliminaries look good, then there are probably enough of us to write macros for each instruction once we have a complete macro for one instruction (ie including labels, condcodes, etc).

    The code above covers Immediate, and the condition code IF_ prefix, and ADD and SUB and will produce a binary file.
    Not sure about any endian issues yet ?

    I'm looking at suffix handling for WC,WZ,NR, and have a limited version of that working.
    Need some tips from a fasmg expert to merge the prefix & suffix code ...

  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,175
    edited 2016-09-22 21:05
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    I would like to see a short program using just a couple of P1 instructions, and the results of the compilation to get a better feel for it.
    With some help, I've now sorted suffix variants too, with white-space and updated post #2 with example test coverage.

    Speed checks :
    ; Listing ON -> 2 passes, 2.4 seconds, 16547 bytes, 266k LST
    ; Listing OFF -> 2 passes, 0.4 seconds, 16547 bytes, 80 byte LST

  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,175
    edited 2016-10-18 19:46
    fasmg can export .hex via macros, but that's slow, and seems to interact with other macros.

    addit: New versions of and followed this slow/interact report, and they are now (much) faster & interaction is fixed.

    Alternative HEX and DB outputs :
    Some web searching finds srec_cat

    then run as
    srec_cat P8X32_PropMacros.bin -binary -o P8X32_PropMacros.hex -intel
    and srec_cat can also do this, which is an ASM syntax DB list variant.
    srec_cat P8X32_PropMacros.bin -binary -o P8X32_PropMacros.DB -ASM 
    (strangely, -ASM options seems to fail, but default decimal is tolerable.)
            DB      251,247,35,246,253,251,35,246,37,38,128,255,40,128,102,253
            DB      111,3,14,60,111,3,14,60,111,3,14,60,111
    ; upper bound = 0x4088
    ; lower bound = 0x0000
    ; length =      0x4088

    which can be INCLUDED into OnePin MCU ASM source, and it will auto-append the P2 code, to the small loader stub.

  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,175
    I'll bump this Assembler thread, with an assembler comment from the now-closed thread...
    David Betz wrote:
    ....Yup. That's one of the main reasons I haven't done anything on P2 for quite some time. .I need the instruction set and particularly the instruction encodings to remain stable. I also need the assembler syntax to be stable. I don't want to spend time modifying GAS for P2 only to find that a new assembler syntax gets invented and people start complaining that GAS doesn't match PASM.

    but I think we already have 'GAS does not match PASM' problems ?
    This is more an opportunity to bring PASM more into line with other assemblers ?
  • jmg wrote: »
    I'll bump this Assembler thread, with an assembler comment from the now-closed thread...
    David Betz wrote:
    ....Yup. That's one of the main reasons I haven't done anything on P2 for quite some time. .I need the instruction set and particularly the instruction encodings to remain stable. I also need the assembler syntax to be stable. I don't want to spend time modifying GAS for P2 only to find that a new assembler syntax gets invented and people start complaining that GAS doesn't match PASM.

    but I think we already have 'GAS does not match PASM' problems ?
    This is more an opportunity to bring PASM more into line with other assemblers ?
    Yes, we already have those problems with the P1 version of GAS. I'd like to avoid that as much as possible with P2. It's a big pain to rewrite the instruction parsers inside of GAS. I already did it once for P2-hot and pretty much none of that code will transfer over so I don't want to have to write it more than once more.
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