Using PropBasic

in Propeller 1
Back in 2002, I started using the Basic Stamps. Started using the BS2sx for the 8 programming slots...really a great device. I have at least a dozen of the BS2sx's running 24/7 on my boat, and in the house, doing useful chores. Pbasic is a great programming language. Now, I am trying to self teach with the various manuals, SPIN. Sort of slow going...anyways, I see that PropBasic has now been incorporated into an IDE with SPIN. It would be nice...aka...easier, to be able to program the PROP with PropBasic, in my case. My question, is, has anyone written any software, to play around with this PropBasic and the Propeller. Other then a simple BLINKLED. I do hope that the people involved in producing PropBasic continue doing a good job. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks to all...DenO
Thanks to all...DenO
I recommend a search of the forum because some really useful stuff was recently posted.
I have done a handful of projects with PropBASIC, but not frequent enough to become proficient. As a result, while my code is neither elegant nor efficient, it does tend to be heavily commented with lessons learned.
Great collection of PropBasic information. Thanks for posting!
You might like to post some info on what you have interfaced to. For me, particularly your boat.
There are already some great objects posted that will run even without PropBasic.