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The Queen of ??? Robots — Parallax Forums

The Queen of ??? Robots

ercoerco Posts: 20,255
edited 2016-09-10 15:43 in Robotics
What an interesting path she has chosen... but it reminds me of a certain Letterman show. :)


  • Totally surprising, I never would have thought I talk to somebody who knows somebody famous. Kidding aside, that looked like a test of the antiperspirant., for you and Dave. He didn't help matters asking about time that often. I get the idea this was not your only appearance? I wish I would have caught the show more than once or twice a week, anyway I bow to your greatness Sir erco.
  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    Does that make you the King of Robotics?

    We already know who the King of Bargains/eBay/Make Me Buy Something is...
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,255
    edited 2016-09-11 03:02
    @Whit: Not yet, Boss. Workin' on it though. :)

    @Mike: Well Dave and I aren't exactly BFFs but we had fun twice on his show. Publison's link showed year #2, year #1 isn't online AFAIK. On my to-do list is to dust off some old VHS tapes, digitize them (do I even have a working VCR?) and Youtube 'em.
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