Neat Little Dual Motor Controller
This thing wasn't easy to get, but it fills a real need IMO. Drives 2 small DC motors (1.3A max/channel) using servo type pulses. Effectively makes continuous rotation servos out of plain old DC motors.
I was experimenting with a STEM demonstration 3axis gimbal controller using continuous servos, but I found all the servo gearing made the them "sticky" and very tricky to control accurately.
DC motors will obviously be much more responsive, and I should be able to get much more accurate control.
I love the descriptions on Alibaba/Aliexpress:
Material: Wood
Function: Light & Sound
For: children,kids
That is a seriously cool find, though. Curiosity got the best of me and I was able to find a chassis kit on Amazon that claims to use this device (although it is not clearly shown in the pictures.
I think these are neat, I may buy a small quota after some more testing, if anyone is interested. The mfr only ships via DHL so it's a minimum $10 shipping charge.
Was C1 attached to the controller when it left Ca or did USPS detach it?
Way ahead of you, Padre!