ELEV-8-v3 Radio-Configuration of a Futuba 10J + R3008SB Receiver

i am new in the Elev-8 scene.
i have some questions about: Configure the Radio...
i have a Futuba 10 j
- Radio Mode 2: gas/Throttle left stick vertical, channel 3
- Box Model Typ : Acro
my settings are (from a older copter)
- sticks
1 channel 1 function AIL
2 channel 2 function ELE
3 channel 3 function THR
4 channel 4 function RUD
- slider (VR) unmapping
- switcher
A = 2switch unmapping
B = 2switch unmapping
C = 3switch channel 5 function up, middle, down
D = 2switch channel 6 function up, down
E = 3switch channel 8 function up, middle, down
F = 2switch unmapping
G = 2switch unmapping
F = unmapping on,off
- no REV on Radio
- no bind-procedures are needed
- no AUX ports but channels 1-8 (PWM)
which function have AUX1 ?
i read the instructions for the spektrum....
have somebody basic-settings for my radio or some tips and hints?.
i am new in the Elev-8 scene.
i have some questions about: Configure the Radio...
i have a Futuba 10 j
- Radio Mode 2: gas/Throttle left stick vertical, channel 3
- Box Model Typ : Acro
my settings are (from a older copter)
- sticks
1 channel 1 function AIL
2 channel 2 function ELE
3 channel 3 function THR
4 channel 4 function RUD
- slider (VR) unmapping
- switcher
A = 2switch unmapping
B = 2switch unmapping
C = 3switch channel 5 function up, middle, down
D = 2switch channel 6 function up, down
E = 3switch channel 8 function up, middle, down
F = 2switch unmapping
G = 2switch unmapping
F = unmapping on,off
- no REV on Radio
- no bind-procedures are needed
- no AUX ports but channels 1-8 (PWM)
which function have AUX1 ?
i read the instructions for the spektrum....
have somebody basic-settings for my radio or some tips and hints?.
Section 6 in the assembly guide has some instructions.
channel 1 function THRO
channel 2 function ALE
channel 3 function ELEV
channel 4 function RUD
channel 5 function GEAR
channel 6 function AUX1
These are the defaults in the Ground Station software. They can be changed to map your current channels as you have them defined on your radio.
It might be easier the modify the Ground Station software rather than reprograming your transmitter. Once changes are made, you can upload the changes to the firmware on the ELEV8.
EDIT: Changed channel numbers.
thanks for your answer.
i will change the GroundStationSoftware as
channel 1 function AIL
channel 2 function ELE
channel 3 function THR
channel 4 function RUD
no switches.
is this ok on channel 4 = RUD + GEAR + AUX1 ?
or can i change GEAR and AUX1 on a 2switcher up Gear, down AUX1?
excuse what is the function of GEAR + AUX1 ?
i switch from tarot-xyz-m-FC to the parallax FC,
tarot is verry complicated, must have 8 channels with 3 switches.
cant learn the ESC....
excuse my bad english, i come from switzerland....
Sorry I cut and pasted without editing. See my edit above.
Gear = 5
AUX1 = 6
You could also just wire your receiver outputs to the correct inputs on the flight controller. In your case, receiver output #3 (throttle) would go to FC input #1 (default throttle input). Either solution will work just fine. I set it up the way I did because some people like to use a single servo wire to carry three channels from the receiver to the flight controller to reduce wiring. (You only need 1 power and 1 ground connection for the receiver - the rest of the power/ground wires can be left unconnected). This saves wire clutter and weight, but it means that it's harder to re-route wires if the channel order is different between your receiver and the flight controller, so I gave GroundStation the ability to configure the order.
And don't worry about your english - it's MUCH better than my German.
@ Publison
thanks for your answer and your corrections.
@ JasonDorie
thanks for your answer.
today i make tests
best regards
today i have change my RadioSettings as:
- 1) Radio stick changings
- channel 1 AIL
- channel 2 ELE
- channel 3 THR
- channel 4 RUD
- 2) Radio switch changings
- on instructions Step 21:
Gear Channel Control 3-Position Switch == Flight-Mode
- channel 5 3-position-switch (GEAR) AUX1
up = manual
middle = stable
down = assisted
- channel 6 2-position-switch (AUX1) GEAR =
up = off
down = on
function: ev. LEDS on/off
are the changings correct ?
on the groundStation -> RadioSettings
what for function have AUX2 and AUX3 ? (channel 7 and 8)
no AUX1 ?
can i change the channels from the groundStation as above (my settings)
or its better to take the settings of the groundStations ?
question (2):
is the receiver powered from the FlightController?
thanks for tips and hints
some of my questions are obsolete, look the last thread.
in the meantime, i calibrate the Radio-SetUp in the GroundStation-Software:
Radio Setup
receiver function FC
channel 3 THR --> port 1 Throttle
channel 1 AIL --> port 2 Aileron
channel 2 ELE --> port 3 Elevator
channel 4 RUD --> port 4 Rudder
channel 5 3waySwitch port 5 Gear
- modi up = manual, middle = stable, down = assisted
channel 6 2waySwitch port 6 AUX1
- up = off, down = on
Radio Setup
- 1) Calibrate
- as per instructions on the GroundStation-Window
- Upload Changes OK
- testing sticks:
- THR: channel 3 leftStick: neutral = +41, Up +1023, Down -1023
- RUD: channel 4 leftStick: neutral = + 4, Left -1023, Right +1024
- ELE: channel 2 rightStick: neutral = + 4, Up +1024, Down -1024 with REV
- AIL: channel 1 rightStick: neutral = +11, Left -1023, Right +1043
testing switches
switch channel 5 "C" 3way GEAR
- up manual = -1021
- middle stable = 0
- down - = +1021
no "assisted"-Mode
switch channel 6 "D" 2way AUX1
- up = -1021
- down = +1021
i think, i have 2 problems:
-1) the sticks should on neutral = 0
-2) FlightMode on GEAR : i have only manual and stableMode, no assisted-Mode
are the values of the stick-movements OK ?
Thanks for tips, tricks and hints
Thanks for your answer.
i have a look at github, and see, that many stuff are for Linux
it's verry fine, i have ubuntu-boxes here, look my pic.
in the moment, i work with win7, and i want the "assisted"-flight-mode for my,
which package must i download ?
and what are the steps for install the stuff under windows?
thanks for a tip.
best regards
PS. about the packages
- on win7: install: GroundStation-1.0.2, Firmware: 1.0.2
- on Linux: Ubuntu-14.04 LTS
- i have the simple-ide_1-0-1-rc1_amd64.deb (its running all ok)
- new install via *.deb
- i think for the "assisted"-FlightMode
- win7 :
- is this with the new firmware ?
have you some tips?
best regards
I have tried 1.0.4, but had some problems with Wireless Telemetry, so I went back to 1.0.2.
(I use Windows 7 Pro).
I'm always using / flying the latest version and haven't had any trouble with it, but it's pretty simple to go back to an earlier one if you have any issues.
I'll have to push for Official releases, as Parallax has to support them.
While the new (unofficial )releases are quite good, they may not be the right choice for a first timer.
thanks for your answers:
- 1) the firmware 1.0.2 haven't the flightMode: assisted.
that's why i make the step to GroundStation Version 1.1.1 and Firmware 1.1.0
if i have troubles, i go back...
thanks for your answer.
today i first install on ubuntu 14.04 only Groundstation 1.1.1. via *.deb (standallone)
then under win7 i install the the newest Groundstation + the newest Firmware.
- Firmware 1.1.0:
i make following steps (under win):
i have with Flight-Controller-1.1.1.zip the source-code:
then unpacked the zip-file:
- 1) open SC:
- 2) in the source-code
- open folder Firmware-C (version 1.1.0. i hope so)
- load elev8-main.side into ide:
if loading ok
- click on Load EEPROM & Run:
- if all ok: then i have the new Firmware into the FC.
i hope this is correct?
i think then i have the assisted FlightMode ?
in the meantime i do following stuff:
- 1) sudo dpkg -i parallax-goundstation-1.1.1-amd64.deb
- 2) no failures all ok
- 3) unter Applications: -> Programming -> ParallaxGroundStation version 1.1.1
- on click: it's running standallone OK
- 1) under win7:
- 1) install GroundStation-1.1.1
- new folder with 80204-Parallax-GroundStation-v1.1.1.exe
- 2) running exe:
- on Desktop: Parallax GroundStation
- RUN ok v1.1.1
- 3) install newest Firmware: 1.1.0
- as:
- have with Flight-Controller-1.1.1.zip the source-code:
- then unpacked the zip-file:
- 1) open SC:
- 2) under Flight-Controller-1.1.1
- open folder Firmware-C
- 3) load elev8-main.side into ide:
- loading ok
- click on Load EEPROM & Run:
- all ok: then i have the new Firmware into the FC.
- 4) testing New Groundstation 1.1.1 with Firmware 1.1.0
and the FlightController-device:
- via usb -> connected ok
- have Firmware 1.1.0 on the Device
- testing Device -> Moving FC in 3D its Move correctly
on the afternoon:
- i make a new Calibrations of my Radio sticks + switches with the new firmware.
best regards
now with Version 1.1.1. + Firmware 1.1.0.
on win7:
- 1) RadioCalibrations:
- some Differences:
- my Futuba have Mode 2 (leftStick up/down is Throttle)
- Result :
some Troubles at end of calibrations:
- Results:
- Sticks:
- THR: RadioChannel 3, GroundStationChannel 1 (REV) leftStick: neutral = 0, Up +784, Down -859
- RUD: RadioChannel 4, GroundStationChannel 4 leftStick: neutral = +42, Left -781, Right +857
- ELE: RadioChannel 2, GroundStationChannel 3 (REV) rightStick: neutral = -32, Up +784, Down -856
- AIL: RadioChannel 1, GroundStationChannel 1 rightStick: neutral = +40, Left -781, Right +859
- Switches:
switch channel 5 "C" 3way GEAR
-up manual = -1023
-middle stable = 0
-down assisted = +1023
switch channel 6 "D" 2way AUX1
-up = -1021
-down = +1023
i think the stickvalues are too low.
and the calibration-process have ev. a issue (wrong positions of the sticks after calibrations)
then i go to my linuxBox
starting RadioCalibrations:
Difference: No Text show
-> Both sticks Up-Right, switches maxVal
-> Both sticks Down-Left, switches minVal
-> no numbers....
for this i must moving the sticks until its the correct position.
- upload changes-button clicked
after this, make tests
- THR: RadioChannel 3, GroundStationChannel 1 (REV) leftStick: neutral = +57, Up +1029, Down -1013
- RUD: RadioChannel 4, GroundStationChannel 4 leftStick: neutral = + 6, Left -1023, Right +1014
- ELE: RadioChannel 2, GroundStationChannel 3 (REV) rightStick: neutral = - 6, Up +1023, Down -1013
- AIL: RadioChannel 1, GroundStationChannel 1 rightStick: neutral = + 1, Left -1023, Right +1024
testing switches
switch channel 5 "C" 3way GEAR
- up manual = -1023
- middle stable = 0
- down assisted = +1023
switch channel 6 "D" 2way AUX1
- up = -1021
- down = +1023
i find this values are better,
in status testing sticks: the 3d-quad moves correctly
i think for me is this result on the linuxBox OK
as attached: RadioSetUp-2-0109.png
what are thinking about this ?
and a another question:
under linux i go into SystemSetup: are this values ok?
as attached: SystemSetup-1-0109.png
thanks for tips and hints :-)
best regards
Other than that, everything looks ok. You might have a little sub-trim or channel-trim applied on the throttle channel, but that won't affect the flight controller when it's calibrated.
You should not enable the low-rate mode when calibrating - the Elev8 software is watching your radio values to find the smallest and largest values it gets for each channel, and scaling everything internally to use those ranges. Calibrate with the full channel range enabled, and do not change the dual-rate switches when moving all the controls during the calibration. They aren't "inputs" by themselves - they just affect the range of other inputs, which isn't wanted.
Does that make sense?
Thanks for your answers.
- 1) The same Radio for both Tests.
- 2) i make a test with my radio
- no REV
- all servos midPoint == 0
- Trim sticks == 0
- no Mix of sticks
i make in the last days no changes on my Radio.
- 3) make a Test with win7 and the Software
- all sticks ok the same values as with linux, switches ok
what you mean with : mean you my picture from System-Setup "Low Throttle" ?
the value is ev. a mistake from me clicking :-)
but no upload Changes-Button
have you the correct value for this?
i think perhaps:
a little difference of the software and eventually firmware on win7 and linux ?
-> if i calibrate yesterday the radio under linux
- no yellow text shows: ??, but Radio-Calibration is OK
my first ESC-Calibrations as per Step25 under Win7:
- 1) my first try:
- connected to lipo:
- esc beeps
- confirm no propeller -> ok
- take the step 3:
- click on ThrottleCalibration Button
- with text, disconnect the lipo
- second click on button:
- nothing happened, no further text
- failure (i think that)
after another trys. the same bad thing.
then i change to linux.
the same procedure as on win7.
failure: nothing happened, only engine3 with esc. run a verry short time ???
second try: GroundStation: No ELEV-8 found -> stop
after this, i make a new trial on windows7:
the same procedere as every year :-))
and behold, suddenly:
step 3: correct
step 4: correct with the correct beeps
step 5: correct with another correct beeps
step 6: i take this, after waiting 10 sec
testing all engines and ESC = Moving and Directions OK
i think, the troubles are my mistake, no failures of the FC.
and i think, the ESC-Calibrations are successful.
a EngineTest on linux OK, connected, Engines working, direction is OK
what you thinking about this ??
before i make the next steps (Gyro- and ACC-Calibrations)
i build my Copter, this weekend and the next days
and for this, i will open a new thread.
thanks for tips and tricks.
excuse my long speech
best regards and a nice weekend