Propeller loader
I need an "official" (as in Parallax supported) cross platform tool to load xxxx.eeprom (precompiled xxxx.spin files) to the prop. that is, must run on Linux and OSX as well as windows.
My trusty Google search pointed me at:
Unfortunately, the links on that page point to google code, which is no longer in use.
Can these links be updated to point to the current code, which I believe is up on github? Or is that something separate?
The goal here is to find a link that can be handed to beginners to get them started.
My trusty Google search pointed me at:
Unfortunately, the links on that page point to google code, which is no longer in use.
Can these links be updated to point to the current code, which I believe is up on github? Or is that something separate?
The goal here is to find a link that can be handed to beginners to get them started.
Propellent is great and all, but is windows only, and does not fit the bill.
Seems I always miss this.
I'm trying to write up instructions for a school teacher, so I have to start from nothing, and write the instructions based on what a new user would see.
Should the propellent landing page be updated, or am I missing something else?