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DHT22 not giving correct results - Page 2 — Parallax Forums

DHT22 not giving correct results



  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2016-08-20 12:11
    Shawn Lowe wrote: »
    He he he heeee-
    Playing this is what I'm getting:

    Does tachyon have graphing capabilities? This is pretty cool!

    Capable it is, graphing is whatever you tell it graphing is and on what.....

    For instance you don't have high resolution VGA but you do have a terminal screen and you could "plot" horizontally up to the width of the screen while scrolling vertically. Last year I played with plotting a circle using the Minsky algorithm and to display it with sufficient resolution I simply reduced the font size of my terminal down to 0.5 so that each character became a "dot".

    You can also log the data quite easily into EEPROM (or SD memory) and even time-stamp it with just a few lines of code.

    For simple horizontal character plotting just scale your values down to within the character width of the screen so 78.0'F would simply be 78 with perhaps a width of 80 or more available.

    Try this hybrid print/plot out for instance:
    pub plotdht   CR DUP 0 1 .dp print" 'F  "  10 / '*' SWAP EMITS CR DUP 0 1 .dp print" %rh " 10 / '-' SWAP EMITS  ; 
    begin 14 dht c>f plotdht 3 seconds key until

  • I am going to bump this thread because as I was playing with Jonnymac's program I noticed the temp and humidity value were correct when I use the decimal values in the program. Is anyone else getting these weird results?

  • I will check it out then shortly
  • I just got around to hooking up a DHT22 and I cheated a little by feeding 5V through a red LED to VDD of the DHT22. Anyway the readings are correct as I read 28.6'C and 52.3% RH. This was tested on V4.7.

    Here's the raw output
    ..  15 DHT . SPACE . 286 523 ok
  • I just got around to hooking up a DHT22 and I cheated a little by feeding 5V through a red LED to VDD of the DHT22. Anyway the readings are correct as I read 28.6'C and 52.3% RH. This was tested on V4.7.

    Here's the raw output
    ..  15 DHT . SPACE . 286 523 ok

    Peter-Thank you for that. However, what I meant by my post was Jonnymac's program jm_dht11_ez.spin is displaying incorrect values. Specifically, in his demo program he calls out:
    pri scan_dht11(pin, secs) {                                     ' call only with cognew()
      } | mask, us1, bit1, t, idx, nbit, raw, cs                     
      mask := |< pin                                                ' create mask from pin
      secs := (1 #> secs <# 10) * clkfreq                           ' limit period, convert to ticks
      us1  := clkfreq / 1_000_000                                   ' ticks in 1us
      bit1 := us1 * 35                                              ' minimum threshold for 1 bit
      ctra := (%01000 << 26) | pin                                  ' measure positive pulse
      frqa := 1                                                      
      t := cnt                                                       
        dira[pin] := 1                                              ' pull pin low
        waitcnt(t += (us1 * 20_000))                                ' hold 20ms
        dira[pin] := 0                                              ' release pin
        longfill(@raw, 0, 2)                                        ' clear raw and cs     
        waitpne(mask, mask, 0)                                      ' response low
        waitpeq(mask, mask, 0)                                      ' response high
        waitpne(mask, mask, 0)                                      ' start of packet
        repeat idx from 0 to 4                                      ' get five bytes (4 raw + cs)
          repeat nbit from 7 to 0                                   ' MSBFIRST
            phsa := 0                                               ' clear timer 
            waitpeq(mask, mask, 0)                                  ' wait for start pulse  
            waitpne(mask, mask, 0)                                  ' wait for end of pulse   
            if (phsa => bit1)                                       ' check bit timing
              raw.byte[idx] |= |< nbit                              '  set bit if 1
        repeat idx from 0 to 3                                      ' validate packet                                      
          cs -= raw.byte[idx]                                        
        if (cs == 0)                                                ' if good packet
          rhtresult := raw                                          ' transfer result to user
          badchecksum := false                                      ' clear error flag
          badchecksum := true                                       ' set error flag
        ++count                                                     ' update reading count    
        waitcnt(t += secs)                                          ' let loop timer expire

    pub rh                                                           
    '' Return relative humidity (whole %)                            
      return rhtresult.byte[0]                                       
    pub rh10                                                         
    '' Return relative humidity (tenths %)                           
      return (rhtresult.byte[0] * 10) + rhtresult.byte[1]            
    pub tc                                                           
    '' Return temperature in Celsius (whole degrees)                 
      return rhtresult.byte[2]                                       
    pub tc10                                                         
    '' Return temperature in 0.1 degree Celsius                      
      return (rhtresult.byte[2] * 10) + rhtresult.byte[3]            
    pub tf                                                           
    '' Return temperature in Fahrenheit (whole degrees)              
      return tc * 9 / 5 + 32                                         
    pub tf10                                                         
    '' Return temperature in 0.1 degree Fahrenheit                   
      return tc10 * 9 / 5 + 32_0  

    According to the datasheet, byte 0 is the humidty, byte 1 is humidity fraction, byte 2 is temp. whole, byte 3 is temp fraction. When I use the program with just the whole temp. and humidity- ie. using only byte 0 and byte 2; i get 32 deg F and 0% humidity. But, when I change the program to use the temp.+fractional temp, and humidity+fractional humidity (pub rh10 and tf10 respectivily) I get correct values.
    I thought it might be due to this segment:
        waitpne(mask, mask, 0)                                      ' response low
        waitpeq(mask, mask, 0)                                      ' response high
        waitpne(mask, mask, 0)                                      ' start of packet
    because I thought it was backwards (waitpne is true when the pin goes high etc), but when i changed the program it didnt fix the problem.
    I am trying to expand my programming skills, and thought understanding why it wasent working correctly would help, but I cant figure out why it isnt working for whole but is working for fractional humidity and tempurature values.

    I hope I am being clear.

    Thanks again,
  • no need to mess around with the waitxx.

    just using the first byte will not give you what you want because byte[0] is not (byte[0]*10+byte[1])/10

  • msrobots wrote: »
    no need to mess around with the waitxx.

    just using the first byte will not give you what you want because byte[0] is not (byte[0]*10+byte[1])/10


    Yes, but isn't byte[0]/[2] the whole number of the humidity/temperature?

  • not according to rh10 tc10 or the FORTH code.

    I think naming it WHOLE in the comments is misleading, @Peter named it the INTEGRAL part, making more sense.

    unless byte[1] or byte[3] just return a value between 0 and 9 the fractional part is not just a decimal fraction below zero.

    maybe you can post some readings of byte[0/1} and byte [2/3] to figure that out.

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