Hurry -- Electronic Goldmine has more NASA surplus
Posts: 3,452
Their last lot sold out in less than a day. I got an order in, woohoo!
Their last lot sold out in less than a day. I got an order in, woohoo!
You are going to have to post a picture of your purchase, I certainly would like to see these precision high dollar components.
This lot doesn't seem to have sold out yet; perhaps resistors aren't as sexy as nuts and bolts. It's an interesting lot; most of them are for terrestrial satellites, though some of those are GEO, and Mars Observer is in the mix because it was built on the same "bus" as those earth sats. Of course Mars Observer didn't get to do much observing of Mars, since it failed shortly before orbital insertion and whatever's left of it is probably in heliocentric orbit now.
Can anyone explain the part labelling? For example, what are "FSCJ" and "BSCJ"?
It's kind of fun...these parts were requisitioned, paperwork was filled out, they were transferred (in one case, there is exactly one resistor in the bag), and then they sat on a shelf. Opening the bag, you pull out the staples and no one seems to have used them. I found one of the Vishay parts online, seems to be the same model, selling for about $9.00 at Mouser or a similar vendor. There are 25 of those.
What are "BSCJ", "DSCJ" and "FSCJ"?
B = ± 0.1 % TOLERANCE
D = ± 0.5 % TOLERANCE
M = 1.0 %/1000 hours FAILURE RATE
P = 0.1 %/1000 hours FAILURE RATE
R = 0.01 %/1000 hours FAILURE RATE
S = 0.001 %/1000 hours FAILURE RATE
C is specifying the lead material
J = JAN (Joint Army - Navy)