A little C Help needed.

I really wish SimpleIDE had support for the ESP 8266 module. Any how, I have this code that works great for one Servo but I am having issues getting 2 or more to go. Can someone look at this code and let me know what to do to run more than one servo?
Servo servo; Servo servo1; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Blynk.begin(auth, "XXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXXXX"); // replace with your WiFi router details servo.attach(15); servo1.attach(10); } BLYNK_WRITE(V15) BLYNK_WRITE(V10) { servo.write(param.asInt()); servo1.write(param.asInt()); }void loop() { Blynk.run(); }
It would sure be nice to see Blynk and others support Parallax products. As technology advances, it seems that Parallax is being left behind and not included in any of the nifty Apps out there.