Board of Education Hardware Limitations
I am building the Boe-Bot with the Board of Education USB version and am building an increasingly more complex Boe-Bot with more and more sensors. I am working through the chapters in the book, but it appears to me that you cannot add all of the sensors provided in the kit to the boe-bot itself. It seems that since you are limited to five Vss slots, at most you can have your two tactile navigation slots (that use Vdd) and some combination of five of the two LED lights, two IR seekers, and two phototransistors. Is this correct? I just want to confirm because ideally I would like to build a complete Boe-Bot that has all of the sensors. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
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You could always take a jumper from one of the VSS and VDD holes and place it in the top row of the breadboard. From there you have another four VSS and VDD connections, totalling eight, ( you lose two with the jumper wire). You could also jumper to the next row on the bread board to produce more power connections.