DELTA=Don't Ever Land There Again

C'mon Delta, with GPS, computers and COMMON SENSE, how can a commercial flight land at the wrong airport, much less a military airfield? Well on the bright side, this pilot won't ever (get the chance to) make this mistake again. He'll move on to making newer, grosser errors. That's progress!
Rapid City Regional Airport's control tower is in continuous operation, it's odd ATC didn't catch this. I wonder if the controller was sleeping..
It's pretty small, and no plane has ever landed there before or since. Plus, there are pilings hiding just below the surface that could easily have snagged a pontoon. The local cops were on it immediately, and I was wondering how the pilot would manage to get out of there. Remarkably, the plane was barely able to take off upwind and get airborne enough to bank away from the hill at the end of the lagoon.
It's a bit amusing that the FAA airport information for Rapid City Regional contains the following : BE ALERT DO NOT MISTAKE ELLSWORTH AFB, LOCATED 6.5 NM NNW FOR RAPID CITY RGNL.
Runway 13?, 14? hmm what's the difference.
Agreed, no wonder it took so long to get Bin Laden.
"Sorry about that, Chief. Missed it by THAT much. That's the second biggest runway I've seen today. Would you believe I can land on my second attempt?"