We Want Rosie! But, We Will Have to Wait...
A great web-article over at engadget, by Mat Smith, about ASUS' Zenbo reminds us that "our robot butler dreams remain just that. We're still many years away getting our own Rosie Jetson."
You can read the whole thing here - http://www.engadget.com/2016/06/03/asus-zenbo-proves-our-robot-butler-dreams-remain-just-that/
The promotional video from ASUS shows the "dream" (sort of... and demonstrates the problem! Cheesy!), but the video following from the most recent DARPA Robotics' Challenge shows the reality.
But fellow Forum members, WE ARE WORKING ON IT! Hopefully the real thing will be much better.
Ya, think?!?!? Yikes...
I didn't see this do anything a smartphone couldn't do, besides having a grin while the grandfather falls.
Just made me want to drop-kick Zenbo . . .