Porting the Oberon Compiler (ORP) to the P2
Posts: 2,363
in Propeller 2
I decided to start a new topic now that there is a starting point.
The code can be found here: https://github.com/raps500/Propberon. I decided to call it Propberon , instead of AleOberon .
For the time being produces RISC5 code but that will change soon.
It would be great if I could modularize the code generation , then I don't have to drop support for RISC5 during development .
The disassembler ignores a couple of flags for MOV, needs fixing.
The code can be found here: https://github.com/raps500/Propberon. I decided to call it Propberon , instead of AleOberon .
For the time being produces RISC5 code but that will change soon.
It would be great if I could modularize the code generation , then I don't have to drop support for RISC5 during development .
The disassembler ignores a couple of flags for MOV, needs fixing.
Would a Searchable name make more sense ? - the 'opberon' there will not find on an Oberon Search, and it probably should be clear it is Prop2, not Prop ?
You may need to introduce segments, as VARs in COG will create much smaller and faster code than VAR in HUB.
ie This is very similar to DATA and XDATA on the 8051, with LUT being maybe similar to IDATA.
Then, some var overlay scheme with simple checking would help local vars in functions not waste COG memory. Because sometimes the tools cannot be certain one function does not call another indirectly, some means to disable this is needed for those rare cases.
Segments are accessed differently... lots of fun !
IMHO OberonAle would go down a lot better, and would be searchable ;-)
Looks like Oberon Ale is already a beer (which may indeed "go down a lot better")
I think Propberon is fine, Ale, full steam ahead!...
I had presumed exactly that from the tone of Kwinn's post
Actually had no idea there was a brew by that name, just put Oberon and Ale together and thought it rolled off the tongue so well. Getting really hard to come up with a unique and memorable name for anything.
Of course I will have to see if I can find an Oberon Ale to sample now.
Hehe, and that winky, & 'go down a lot better', had me thinking you had one in your hand !
Wouldn't mind having one in hand to try but it's not available locally. Brewed in Kalamazoo Michigan which is a bit too far (624KM) to go for a beer, although I will keep it in mind if I am in the neighborhood.
If we're (I'm) going to ultimately run Project Oberon on the P2, I'D like to keep everything as similar as possible. (I did make some changes in ORG, numbers are kind of packed, I'm using full 32 bits for all numbers, except the separators and strings. I think, at a later stage, strings and separators should be modulo 4 aligned, too.
Great work on Oberon compiler for the Prop2. Have you managed to compile any code to the FPGA Verilog implementation you have, AProp?
As a solution I was thinking that a layer of abstraction could solve the problem:
ORP generates an instructions file, a target generator reads it and process it outputting the necessary P2 code with the adjusted offsets. The library files need also to be modified because the offsets written there are no longer valid (I have to look into this again, it's been a while...). A pretty mess .
What do you think ?
Do you mean like an intermediate assembler file, that takes one RSIC5 opcode, and generates what could be multiple P2 opcodes, or in extreme cases a call to a Lib-stub, which starts to merge/morph into a RISC5 emulator ?
Oberon code is usually quite easy to read, another approach would be to try to modify the code generator to generate P2 code ?
A first step could be to recode using RISC 5 so you can still test it, but limit the R5 opcodes to 2 arguments ?
Code would get slightly larger, during this morph.
A P2/R5 switch could then output P2-ASM ?
Maybe that is the best approach, but I thought about something like: Do you mean like an intermediate assembler file but without the R5 opcodes only the "commands" with the offset adjustments, so everything can be re-calculated and re-targetted (I also wanted to target the RISC-V).
A direct ORP port is what I tried, that's why I was looking for an alternative. Maybe I have to look at the code generator again.
That could also work - I guess it depends on whether you prefer to work at MACRO-ASM or Code generator level, and which ASM levels tools you have too...
I did play with FASMG, which seems a very powerful, general assembler (no linker), but that's also another tool chain, and not likely to be P2 self-hosting.
I just tested that and yep it works as you say. I'd completely forgotten how the ALTx instructions work in detail. Here's my test code: (variables are in CogRAM) Terminal output is as follows:
I had to think about why "zero" had to be referenced like that and why the shorter ALTR D instruction wasn't used. I worked it out but wasn't happy I couldn't find a cheaper solution that didn't need an additional variable reference like that.
There's already a RISC-V emulator for both P1 and P2, so another solution would be just to output RISC-V binaries and then run those. The P2 version does a JIT compilation from RISC-V binaries to P2 binaries. Sources are found at