Nice Little Project Boxes 5Pcs/$3.72
Posts: 20,257
Neat little boxes, lid snaps on/off, no screws. Nearly 4"x2.5"x1". Four internal screw bosses for mounting PCB, although no screws are included. I've used these for some small robot chassis, like Paddlebot below. Got 5, just ordered ten more. erco-approved.
Neat little boxes, lid snaps on/off, no screws. Nearly 4"x2.5"x1". Four internal screw bosses for mounting PCB, although no screws are included. I've used these for some small robot chassis, like Paddlebot below. Got 5, just ordered ten more. erco-approved.
Do you recall how long it took you to receive your first batch? Have you received the latest batch yet?
The shipping estimate is June 16 - July 22. If these aren't going to arrive until the July 22, I'll need to come up with an alternate plan.
I might be able to get the project to fit in an aluminum wallet but the required parts would fit much nicer in one of the small black enclosures you recommended here.
Good to hear.
Hopefully mine will arrive soon.
When I realized I needed at least three identical enclosures about this size, I couldn't remember if I had actually ordered these or not. My ebay history tells me I ordered two sets of these. Fortunate I didn't pass on an "erco-approved" item.
If these don't arrive by the time I have the software done, I may end up using Altoids tins.
I have been saving empty gum containers for battery operated wireless projects someday, pretty heavy plastic and somewhat weatherproof.
Thanks for the offer, I doubt I'll take you up on it.
It turns out Sucrets boxes are about the right size for this project.
The aluminum wallets are longer than the Sucrets boxes but all the parts fit better in the taller Sucrets box. I had to cut the ends of the 7-segment PCB to get it to fit inside the box.
I'll ask the person I'm doing this for if he'd rather I use the black enclosures and if it's worth the extra shipping.
Now that I've figured how to fit the parts in the first unit, it shouldn't be hard to replicate this a couple more times. Fortunately I've been hording empty containers like MikeDYur.
I've also been hording other parts needed for this project so I have everything on hand to make four of these (I want one myself so I can more easily test any firmware updates).
Again, thanks for the offer to send enclosures. I'll let you know if I want to take you up on it.
Those do look like nice containers.
I have a hard time throwing out containers made with heavy plastic. I keep thinking they would make nice project enclosures. Don't tell anyone but I have a bunch of empty Glide (dental floss) containers thinking they're a nice size for some small project.
I'm trying to figure out how those enclosures are the same size as the ones linked to in the top post.
Here are the original enclosures:
Here are the ones you recently found:
The proportions of the two enclosures don't look the same to me.
I'll likely purchase some of the second type of enclosure as well. I think those internal attachment points could come in handy.
The seller of this item only allows a single set of enclosures to be purchased every ten days. I've heard of limiting quantities but this sure seems strange.
The aluminum comes off with a bit of heat. The aluminum and plastic should be cut independently.
In case any of you missed it, here's where erco told us about the aluminum wallets.
I think there are applications where the aluminum wallet would make a good enclosure.
@Duane, Nice project, I was looking for a box for that $23 scope, I bought the acrylic case, but that's something that needs an instruction manual, can't quite figure it out, don't think I would be happy with it anyway, it probably won't fit in the wallet either, but the wallet is a nice size for other project's and ergonomic for portability.
Have any of you purchased (and received) a set of these second black enclosures?
I purchased some but I haven't yet received them. I'm thinking of purchasing a second set of these enclosures but I want to make sure they look okay.
Thanks for the link. I just ordered 20 of these.
Where these from the second link ("slightly different") you posted?
These slightly different boxes look like they would also be useful but the seller limits purchases to one set every ten days.
Never mind. It looks like these other boxes are sold out.
The Hackaday workshop sounds interesting. When do you find out if it will be held?
Duane, you and others should pitch a presentation, too. They apparently pay travel stipends. Nothing to lose!
Eh, Gracey? (I mean erco.)
Now what are you referring to there? Show us.
Yes erco your robots are all flying off to the flood ravaged parts of the country to help out.
One of erco's knock boxes?
A wired Propeller Mini is a nice start, there has to be a rechargeable battery that will fit. Forget it.. .
__ What are you going to do with that much power in a can.