Looky what came in today's mail! Thanks Andy and thanks to everyone who donated! This feels like a team project now. With great power comes great responsibility.
I know this Toddler has a history, IIRC Andy got it off Ebay, so it's at least third hand. But it's in pristine shape. Only the mechanicals were assembled. There's not a scratch on the underside of the feet (blue anodizing don't lie) so it's possible this thing has never walked a step. Andy, what say you?
So it comes on a busy weekend, I have a paying job to work on (a hexapod, yay!) but I can't wait to get this bad boy up & running. Blue has always been my favorite color. I hope to be the first guy to get a Toddler around a Figure 8. The Penguin I did took some serious coaxing...
I had it walking around on my desk only. Nothing too harsh. One thing I found a little frustrating is the battery placement. It should be above the board but then it would be top heavy!!!!
I re-organized the panel, made the traces wider,corrected the mismatch between left and right, and separated the boards to allow easier cutting with the band saw.
Gosh, The two pin Bi-color LEDs are hard to find. I bought a package at Radio Shack, but it had a three pin Red/Green LED. The best I could find was at All Electronics. Some of the older Parallax kits came with the two pin Bi-color. Parallax does not sell them any more.
We don't sell two-pin bi-color LEDs on their own anymore (we've moved away from selling a lot of small-component items individually), but we do sell them as part of our LED Party Pack.
We don't sell two-pin bi-color LEDs on their own anymore (we've moved away from selling a lot of small-component items individually), but we do sell them as part of our LED Party Pack.
Where IS Ken? I assumed he was avoiding this thread.
The Program to test them is attached on the next post.
I know this Toddler has a history, IIRC Andy got it off Ebay, so it's at least third hand. But it's in pristine shape. Only the mechanicals were assembled. There's not a scratch on the underside of the feet (blue anodizing don't lie) so it's possible this thing has never walked a step. Andy, what say you?
So it comes on a busy weekend, I have a paying job to work on (a hexapod, yay!) but I can't wait to get this bad boy up & running. Blue has always been my favorite color. I hope to be the first guy to get a Toddler around a Figure 8. The Penguin I did took some serious coaxing...
Thanks again ALL!
And a laser.
My Blue is still unassembled. Gold will be my Twinkle toes test bed..
Or flame thrower!
I wish I made the traces wide, but they don't carry much current.
I don't have any bipolar,
I got some brass wire today, but it tuned out to be .060". Way too fat.
You guys are great. I'm going to have to be more careful.
There was a difference in the vertical dimension of .025" when I mirrored the right side to the left.
I don't think this will be an issue as it's really hard to hold the tolerances of the wire. They can stray .025-.050.
I used a couple of different wires, but the one I like is the K&S .020 music wire that I got at HobbyTown.
K&S Stock #499
(ExpressPCB file)
"If it was perfect, you couldn't tell it was homemade." Andy Buckram's mother
Place you order here:
erco could probably find a bag of 1000 bi-color LEDs for $1 and with free shipping.
Obsessions go on for a LONG time.
Surly our robotic obsessions will continue! ;-)
We don't sell two-pin bi-color LEDs on their own anymore (we've moved away from selling a lot of small-component items individually), but we do sell them as part of our LED Party Pack.
There's a salesman .. Bingo! No need to go any further than Parallax. I'm sure you all have orders in to add this to.
@erco - I bow to your ebaying prowess!
May have to build my Toddler some Shiny Shoes...
Publison or erco - any experience with this?