Jump Start Your Toy Robot Collection
I already have most of these, but anyone who wants to close the gap between their collection and mine can bid on this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/VINTAGE-LOT-OF-1960S-70S-ROBOTS-CRAGSTAN-TITAN-ROBOT-/282033073846?
I'm guessing the lot will sell for $400-500.
And BTW, I recently got my rare Homersapien!
My collection: (Edit: And a related video below, a guy with even more robots than me!)
I'm guessing the lot will sell for $400-500.
And BTW, I recently got my rare Homersapien!
My collection: (Edit: And a related video below, a guy with even more robots than me!)
Posted over at RUS - http://roboticsunderthestole.blogspot.com/2016/05/and-you-thought-i-had-problem.html
While at ebay - I saw this and remembered that I a bunch of these when I was young! I had completely forgotten! Ideal Toys Zeroids!
I will definitely be researching this more. Okay, I have a problem!
Brings a tear to my eye!
Got any of these erco? Will re-study your video and the other you posted. Thanks for getting my brain kick started. I remember!
I humbly repent - twas just covetousness on my part.
By the way, I have a Robosapien for sale as well as the RoboQuad.
Final price: $452.89 I still got it!
Now here's one of the few classics that I don't have, an Ideal Robot Commando. Your chance to either best me or donate to my collection: http://www.ebay.com/itm/401120661702
So instead, I asked for (but never got :depressed: ) toys like this one:
Barney's Auto Factory: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-REMCO-1960s-BARNEYS-AUTO-FACTORY-SEDANS-CONVERTIBLE-barneys-RARE-/141979964463
Strange Change (Memory plastic in 1967!): http://www.ebay.com/itm/VINTAGE-1967-STRANGE-CHANGE-TOY-MATTEL-THE-LOST-WORLD-As-Is-In-Box-Heats-Up-/272227570182?hash=item3f62071206:g:dC4AAOSwFNZW0xTZ
And of course lots of robots and everyone's favorite: http://www.ebay.com/itm/VINTAGE-1966-REMCO-LOST-IN-SPACE-MOTORIZED-TOY-ROBOT-WORKS-BOX-/172206065351
I had a "Mars Explorer" but silly me let it go for a quarter at a yard sale. DOH! It wasn't my fave since he had wheels, but boy howdy are they expensive today. Shoulda kept him! http://www.ebay.com/itm/1960s-RED-MARS-EXPLORER-BATTERY-OPERATED-ROBOT-S-H-HORIKAWA-TIN-LITHO-JAPAN-/291696171279?_trksid=p2141725.m3641.l6368
My Topper Gofer robot is the only one I kept actually kept from my childhood robot collection. All the rest are from Ebay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-1970-Topper-Toy-Gofer-Robot-With-Instructions-And-Box-/251549832966
YouTube has some great vintage Remco ads. Here's one with a really funny looking kid ... and of course, the late great Patty Duke.
I have one already, who needs? This uses old sonic metal clicker tech for a remote, like early TV sets.
I bet it won't last the day. I would love to have it but don't have time or space for it. It's too big for my shelves, but my mouse finger is getting REAL itchy.
It seems robots are like Jell-O, you always have room for more! Enjoy!!
I had a similar bot that was "dead" but the motor commutator was just oxidized. It's a 3V motor. A few careful blips with 12V got her going, which wiped the brushes & comutator clean and she works fine now. Never had to open it up.
Ship them to Louisiana - I will not play with them...much.
Both my children will be in college by then. It is a perfect plan.