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Some Big Beautiful Treaded ATV Robots — Parallax Forums

Some Big Beautiful Treaded ATV Robots

ercoerco Posts: 20,256
edited 2016-05-13 13:57 in Robotics
For all the Wild Thumper fans here, watch the embedded video in the page below. Several nice big aluminum robot chasses are demonstrated, and controlled by Wifi via Android or PC. No iPhone support though. Looks like a complete kit incl batteries for $94, seems like a deal. Ball bearing wheels!,searchweb201644_1_505_506_503_504_10020_502_10014_10001_10002_10017_10005_10006_10003_10021_10004_10022_10018_10019,searchweb201560_2,searchweb1451318400_-1,searchweb1451318411_-1&btsid=de96d3b3-261c-49fe-bac4-4fd566f5c06a




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