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flexspin compiler for P2: Assembly, Spin, BASIC, and C in one compiler



  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,282
    edited 2022-05-18 08:57

    Lol, the -2nu compile option works! No warning and the module plays nicely.

    EDIT: ALso checked again with newest master flexspin build using -2 compile option - no change in warning/outcome:

    Propeller Spin/PASM Compiler 'FlexSpin' (c) 2011-2022 Total Spectrum Software Inc.
    Version 5.9.11-beta-v5.9.10-34-gcad092d5 Compiled on: May 18 2022
    warning: Internal warning, found two GETQX during constant propagate??
    warning: Internal warning, found two GETQX during constant propagate??
    Program size is 462064 bytes
  • Some of the CORDIC optimizations were being applied to inline assembly, when they really shouldn't have been. Changing that that gets rid of the warning, and I've checked it in. I haven't had a chance to see if it fixes the runtime problem.

  • I apologize for putting all those bugs in.

  • @Wuerfel_21 said:
    I apologize for putting all those bugs in.

    Au contraire, I'm the one who reviewed the code and put it into the repository, so if there's any blame it's mine. Bugs happen, but it's great that we have a community that helps to find and fix them (and to improve flexspin in other ways, as you've done so much Ada!).

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,282
    edited 2022-05-19 00:19

    Darn, not fully resolved. No warnings now with -2 compile option but still get just low fuzzy noise on playback ... looking at changes in .lst there's just one ... newer version:

    03b80                 | ' PRI calculateAccumulatorFrequency(mixingFrequency, amigaPeriod) : r | upper, lower
    03b80                 | _trackerPlayer_calculateAccumulatorFrequency
    03b80                 | ' 
    03b80                 | '   'R = (65536 * 3546894) / amigaPeriod / mixingFrequency
    03b80                 | '   org
    03b80     A4 C4 9F FE |     loc pa, #(@LR__0163-@LR__0162)
    03b84     8C 00 A0 FD |     call    #FCACHE_LOAD_
    03b88                 | LR__0162
    03b88     80 00 80 FF 
    03b8c     0F 1B 00 FF 
    03b90     0E 01 0C FD |     qmul    ##65536, ##3546894
    03b94 000             |     org 0
    03b94 000 18 9C 61 FD |     getqx   result1
    03b98 001 19 9E 61 FD |     getqy   _var01
    03b9c 002 28 9E 61 FD |     setq    _var01
    03ba0 003 DF 9C 11 FD |     qdiv    result1, arg02
    03ba4 004 18 9E 61 FD |     getqx   _var01
    03ba8 005 DE 9E 11 FD |     qdiv    _var01, arg01
    03bac 006 18 9E 61 FD |     getqx   _var01
    03bb0 007             | LR__0163
    03bb0                 |     orgh
    03bb0                 | ' 
    03bb0                 | '   return lower
    03bb0     CF 9C 01 F6 |     mov result1, _var01
    03bb4                 | _trackerPlayer_calculateAccumulatorFrequency_ret
    03bb4     2D 00 64 FD |     ret
    03bb8                 | hubexit
    03bb8     81 00 80 FD |     jmp #cogexit

    I would imagine there is meant to be a RET in the Fcached code. LR__0163 in the wrong place?

    EDIT: Okay, not that I guess. Compiling a different program with inline pasm, producing equivalent fcache labelling config, but works fine.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,282
    edited 2022-05-19 00:54

    Huh, doing some fiddling by inserting some muldiv64() lines and got another of the prior warning:

    Propeller Spin/PASM Compiler 'FlexSpin' (c) 2011-2022 Total Spectrum Software Inc.
    Version 5.9.11-beta-v5.9.10-38-gf23ce1a9 Compiled on: May 19 2022
    warning: Internal warning, found two GETQX during constant propagate??

    I can see QDIV results are not retrieved below:

    01754                 | '   ' Calculate LUTs according to the parameters given
    01754                 | '   repeat i from MINIMUM_PERIOD to MAXIMUM_PERIOD
    01754     71 BC 05 F6 |     mov arg01, #113
    01758     04 98 05 F1 |     add ptr__trackerPlayer_dat__, #4
    0175c                 | LR__0046
    0175c     DE BE 01 FD |     qmul    arg02, arg01
    01760                 | ' '    frequencyLut[i - MINIMUM_PERIOD] := calculateAccumulatorFrequency(mixingFrequency, i)
    01760                 | '     frequencyLut[i - MINIMUM_PERIOD] := muldiv64( 3546894, 65536, mixingFrequency * i)
    01760     18 C0 61 FD |     getqx   arg03
    01764     28 6C 64 FD |     setq    #54
    01768     00 87 8F FF 
    0176c     E0 00 18 FD |     qdiv    ##521011200, arg03
    01770     DE C4 01 F6 |     mov arg05, arg01
    01774     71 C4 85 F1 |     sub arg05, #113
    01778     02 C4 65 F0 |     shl arg05, #2
    0177c     CC C4 01 F1 |     add arg05, ptr__trackerPlayer_dat__
    01780     00 87 8F FF 
    01784     E2 00 68 FC |     wrlong  ##521011200, arg05
    01788     01 BC 05 F1 |     add arg01, #1
    0178c     01 00 00 FF 
    01790     59 BD 15 F2 |     cmp arg01, ##857 wc
    01794     C4 FF 9F CD |  if_b   jmp #LR__0046
  • Thanks, Evan. I think the problem may have been that once we started doing the cordic constant propagation, it kept going, even if a new (non-constant) cordic command is issued. I've checked in a fix for that.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,282
    edited 2022-05-19 22:31

    Must be more to it, still the same low buzzing ... well maybe not completely the same. There's also some squealing and very high tones and step changes in the buzzing. Nah, it's the same.

    EDIT: I've still got a couple of old copies of flexspin built 30 Mar and 11 Apr. The 30 Mar version is good, no warnings and plays audio correctly. The 11 Apr version is not.

    BTW: The latest build has no warnings when compiling the simpleSound demo.

    Propeller Spin/PASM Compiler 'FlexSpin' (c) 2011-2022 Total Spectrum Software Inc.
    Version 5.9.10-beta-v5.9.9-93-ge37a63f5 Compiled on: Mar 30 2022
    Propeller Spin/PASM Compiler 'FlexSpin' (c) 2011-2022 Total Spectrum Software Inc.
    Version 5.9.10-beta-v5.9.9-155-g49b31c5d Compiled on: Apr 11 2022
    warning: Internal warning, found two GETQX during constant propagate??
  • Try git bisect, that'll find the problem commit.

    Unrelatedly, what could be the cause of Error code 7 (ENOMEM) from fopen? Is the default heap too small for two files at once?

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,282
    edited 2022-05-20 03:58

    I'm clueless even on how to roll back let alone use of bisect. Not quite so clueless now. :)

    EDIT: Okay, did a search and found out bisect handles it all. Nice! Got all the hints I needed from

    511a7758a9f1fbe2b2e95ef36e9d3b9fb9110002 is the first bad commit
    commit 511a7758a9f1fbe2b2e95ef36e9d3b9fb9110002
    Author: Ada Gottensträter <>
    Date:   Fri Apr 1 20:55:59 2022 +0200
        Fix constant propagation a bit
     backends/asm/optimize_ir.c | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
     1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
  • @evanh said:
    I'm clueless even on how to roll back let alone use of bisect. Not quite so clueless now. :)

    EDIT: Okay, did a search and found out bisect handles it all. Nice! Got all the hints I needed from

    511a7758a9f1fbe2b2e95ef36e9d3b9fb9110002 is the first bad commit
    commit 511a7758a9f1fbe2b2e95ef36e9d3b9fb9110002
    Author: Ada Gottensträter <>
    Date:   Fri Apr 1 20:55:59 2022 +0200
        Fix constant propagation a bit
     backends/asm/optimize_ir.c | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
     1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

    Seem innocuous enough...

    Try comparing the generated asm before and after the commit. That should narrow it down (I could/should probably do that myself, for I broke it, but oh well)

  • Wuerfel_21Wuerfel_21 Posts: 5,236
    edited 2022-05-20 12:10

    @Wuerfel_21 said:
    Unrelatedly, what could be the cause of Error code 7 (ENOMEM) from fopen? Is the default heap too small for two files at once?

    Seems I forgot to close a file earlier, but that just means the default heap is too small for three files at once... two are ok ig

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,282
    edited 2022-05-20 17:10

    @Wuerfel_21 said:
    Try comparing the generated asm before and after the commit. That should narrow it down (I could/should probably do that myself, for I broke it, but oh well)

    Here's both with mod data trimmed off.
    "main-v5.9.9-95.lst" is with commit e0e8ce0b562b2c5032006d76e883b69a9d5e7430
    "main-v5.9.9-96.lst" is with commit 511a7758a9f1fbe2b2e95ef36e9d3b9fb9110002

    EDIT: Added "main-v5.9.10-40.lst" file with current master branch

  • You want the .p2asm files. listings have too much non-semantic noise that makes it obnoxious to compare them

  • Thanks @evanh and @Wuerfel_21 for your help tracking this down. I think it was a problem in the ReadWrite optimization (so a separate bug from the CORDIC issue fixed earlier) and I've checked in a fix.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,282
    edited 2022-05-20 17:40

    Yep, thanks Eric, works now. ReadWrite of ... Cordic ops?

  • @evanh said:
    Yep, thanks Eric, works now. ReadWrite of ... Cordic ops?

    No, actually rdlong/wrlong. There were multiple bugs, not all CORDIC related :(. But I think they're fixed now.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,282
    edited 2022-05-21 04:58

    Gee, must have been a corner case to only affect simpleSounds/reSound like that. I'm curious now to know what was being tripped up.

    EDIT: Huh, only a single instruction extra in the fixed version. No idea why this case is special though, the source code looks rather ordinary really. EDIT2: Ah, it's the double divide isn't it. muldiva_ needs reloaded with same systemClock but the optimiser thought it didn't.

    The bad (Compiled with Flexspin v5.9.10-40):

    '   if reSoundHqMode
     if_e   jmp #LR__0045
    '     mixingFrequency := systemClock / ((systemClock / mixingFrequency) & $FF00)
        rdlong  muldiva_, objptr
        mov muldivb_, arg02
        call    #divide_
        and muldivb_, ##65280
        call    #divide_
        mov arg02, muldivb_

    The good (Compiled with Flexspin v5.9.10-41):

    '   if reSoundHqMode
     if_e   jmp #LR__0045
    '     mixingFrequency := systemClock / ((systemClock / mixingFrequency) & $FF00)
        rdlong  muldiva_, objptr
        mov muldivb_, arg02
        call    #divide_
        and muldivb_, ##65280
        rdlong  muldiva_, objptr
        call    #divide_
        mov arg02, muldivb_
  • pik33pik33 Posts: 2,407
    edited 2022-05-21 18:04

    I wrote a longer topic with an example in the Basic section. Here is the short report:

    There seems to be inconsistency in directories where the compiler searches for files declared in Basic's "class using"

    If "class using" is used "normally", somewhere at the start of the program, it searches for the file in the project directory (as expected).

    However, If "class using" is used inside a class declaration, then it seems the compiler searches for the file in its starting directory instead of a project directory, and then, if they are different, generates "file not found" error.

  • Thanks, @pik33 . Nested classes in BASIC haven't really been tested very well. I'll look into it.

  • pik33pik33 Posts: 2,407
    edited 2022-05-22 09:35

    A heavy test of Basic classes is now started as I started to write a GUI for a P2 using them :)

  • Silly question: any reason > @pik33 said:

    A heavy test of Basic classes is now started as I started to write a GUI for a P2 using them :)

    If you need a beta tester, consider this an offer!

  • pik33pik33 Posts: 2,407

    I have to write this to the point it can be tested. I have now a class which, while testing, showed a bug in the video driver, so I have to debug the driver, then the class.

  • @pik33 said:
    I have to write this to the point it can be tested. I have now a class which, while testing, showed a bug in the video driver, so I have to debug the driver, then the class.

    Works for me!
    As Eric will tell you, I’m really more of a code bludgeoner than a beta tester, but I have fun and find a few bugs in the process. 🤣

  • pik33pik33 Posts: 2,407
    edited 2022-05-24 14:18

    If you need a beta tester, consider this an offer!

    This is not a beta. This is not even alpha yet. But this is a moving window using a Basic class : Needs PSRAM. I don't know yet if it will work with a standard EC32 configuration as I am using 4-bit PSRAM driver now. To not contaminate this topic: the driver's topic is

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,282
    edited 2022-05-27 13:38

    Struck something that doesn't even make sense to me. It looks like there is a flaw in hardware of immediate branching. The deltas within cogRAM seem to work as byte scaled (which can't cover all of cogRAM) rather than longword scaled! I.e.: The below runs correctly:

    00088 022             | '       callpa  ##2000, #waitms
    00088 022 03 00 00 FF 
    0008c 023 D0 ED 07 F6 |         mov pa, ##2000
    00090 024 9C 01 B0 FD |         call    #waitms
    00230 08c             | waitms
    00230 08c 1A CE 63 FD |         getct   temp1

    but this doesn't:

    00088 022 03 00 80 FF 
    0008c 023 68 A0 4F FB |         callpa  ##2000, #waitms
    00090 024             | '       mov pa, ##2000
    00090 024             | '       call    #waitms
    0022c 08b             | waitms
    0022c 08b 1A CE 63 FD |         getct   temp1

    Both are compiled as pure pasm2 code with Flexspin Version 5.9.11-beta-v5.9.10-41-g34a1753f Compiled on: May 21 2022. Second variant occurs when using ##D, but #S is the one with the problem.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,282
    edited 2022-05-28 12:45

    Oops, doh! Didn't actually read the opcode encoding of the first variant. Of course it's byte granularity because it's 20-bit address encoding within that instruction.

    Okay, so the second variant still don't work ... okay, looks like it is a bug in Flexspin: I can now see the offset is one too far. And to prove that I added NOP as first instruction of #waitms routine and it then works correctly. Guess there is a compiling error with the executing address (PC) at the CALLPA because of the prefixed AUGD.

  • @evanh : The calculation is using longword addresses rather than byte scaled -- the callpa source address is 0x68 (according to the listing) which correspoinds to 0x8b - 0x23. The problem is that it's using the wrong base address (the address of the aug instruction rather than the address of the callpa instruction). That's a flexspin bug and I will try to fix it. In the meantime, the work-around is to not use ## with callpa. If you really want to you could insert an explicit augd, I think that would work.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,282
    edited 2022-05-28 14:03

    :) Yeah, I got there when I took a second look. ... Then completed the desired 400+ MHz testing without tripping on that issue. Maxed out at 425 MHz without hubRAM errors at -10 oC. :D

  • @ersmith It looks like SHR, SHL, <<, and >> are broken in FlexBASIC Version 5.9.11.
    This code:

        option explicit
        dim a as ulong
        a = &h55555555
        a << 1
        print a

    throws this error:

    error: syntax error, unexpected shl, expecting $end or end of line or end or ':'

    BTW: This is not sensitive to optimization level, etc. It just sees a shift anywhere in the code, and it goes instantly kerplonk. :)

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