When using FlexGUI 4.1.0-beta, under Win10 and coding in BASIC for the P2-EVAL rev B board:
@ersmith It appears the RND() function is having a bad day. This bit of code:
print int(rnd(1)*100)
makes this mischief happen:
"d:/Flex2Gui/flexgui/bin/fastspin" -2 -l -O1 -I "d:/Flex2Gui/flexgui/include" -I "d:/Flex2Gui/flexgui/P2 Libs" "d:/Flex2Gui/flexgui/P2 Libs/SortLibP2.bas"
Propeller Spin/PASM Compiler 'FastSpin' (c) 2011-2019 Total Spectrum Software Inc.
Version 4.1.0-beta-daaa5547 Compiled on: Jan 2 2020
d:/Flex2Gui/flexgui/include/libsys/random.c:39: error: Unknown symbol _CNT
child process exited abnormally
Finished at Sun Jan 5 09:46:26 2020
I'm not much of a C-person these days, but it looks like random.c is complaining about an attempt to use the P2's system counter as a random seed source:
float _basic_rnd(int n)
unsigned r;
if (n < 0) {
_seed = n;
} else if (n == 0) {
_seed = _CNT; '<--- the guilty party lives here
r = _lfsr_forward(_seed);
_seed = r;
r = (r >> 4) & RAND_MASK;
return ((float)r) / ((float)(RAND_MASK+1));
I'll leave this covfefe in your capable hands.
BTW: Thanks for your earlier help on the array issues. The code you included was VERY helpful!
Hi @JRoark. You've correctly identified the bug, and the fix is very simple (changing "_CNT" to "_getcnt()"). I actually noticed that bug a day or so after I released 4.1.0, and checked the fix into github. I was hoping nobody would run into it .
Hello, I made a small test program, which accepts parameters via serial and thus starts a second cog. It works well.
My question is:
Is there a way to change the parameter at runtime and hand it over to the second cog without stopping and then restarting the cog. I also tried to work with a mailbox, like the P1, but it doesn't work.
Here is the working program.
fastspin -2b print.c
Propeller Spin/PASM Compiler 'FastSpin' (c) 2011-2019 Total Spectrum Software Inc.
Version 4.1.0-beta- Compiled on: Jan 5 2020
Program size is 5568 bytes
loadp2 -t -b 230400 -p /dev/ttyUSB0 print.binary
( Entering terminal mode. Press Ctrl-] to exit. )
cog 0 -> audio_out: clockmode is $10007f8, clock frequency 160000000 Hz
Set Frequency in Hz
set freq to 1000 Hz
cog 1 started
I am very happy with fastspin. Is this the same as FlexC, what I read in the documents?
Thank you and i hope i haven't repeated the topic, i haven't read all the comments.
fastspin -2b more_cogs.c
Propeller Spin/PASM Compiler 'FastSpin' (c) 2011-2019 Total Spectrum Software Inc.
Version 4.1.0-beta- Compiled on: Jan 5 2020
more_cogs.p2asm:438: error: Source operand too big for add
loadp2 -t -b 230400 -p /dev/ttyUSB0 more_cogs.binary
( Entering terminal mode. Press Ctrl-] to exit. )
cog 0 -> audio_out: clockmode is $10007f8, clock frequency 160000000 Hz
Set Frequency in Hz
set freq to 1000 Hz
cog 1 started
Set Frequency in Hz
set freq to 2000 Hz
cog 1 started
Set Frequency in Hz
set freq to 1234 Hz
cog 1 started
Set Frequency in Hz
Hello, I made a small test program, which accepts parameters via serial and thus starts a second cog. It works well.
My question is:
Is there a way to change the parameter at runtime and hand it over to the second cog without stopping and then restarting the cog. I also tried to work with a mailbox, like the P1, but it doesn't work.
Yes, it's certainly possible to pass parameters with a mailbox. For an example you can look at the led_server_asm.c sample in FlexGUI.
Your more_cogs.c program is failing because the inline assembly code in gen_cos_sin makes a direct reference to a variable "frq" which isn't a local variable (it's a global). That's not allowed, and it should have been detected by the compiler -- there's a bug in the compiler. To fix more_cogs.c, change gen_cos_sin() to:
void gen_cos_sin()
audio_init(); // must done in this cog !
frq = 268435 * frq;
int phi = 0;
int sample;
int sample2;
int localfrq;
while (1)
localfrq = frq; // copy current value of frq
__asm {
qrotate ##$1000,phi
getqx sample
getqy sample2
xor sample, ##$8000
xor sample2,##$8000
wypin sample, #L_PIN
wypin sample2,#R_PIN
add phi,localfrq
I am very happy with fastspin. Is this the same as FlexC, what I read in the documents?
Thank you. Yes, FlexC is the name for the C dialect that fastspin accepts. It's intended to be a superset of C99, with some C++ features like classes and reference parameters.
I think the other direction, send from cog to global, is similar (?)
Yes, just make sure to set the global in C from a local variable. The inline assembly code should only ever access local variables, never global. The reason is that local variables are in registers (so can be changed by assembly instructions like "add" directly) but global variables are in HUB memory, so instructions like "add" cannot work on them.
for a larger project I need the C - Function size_t strspn(const char *, const char *);
Therefore I make a test:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main () {
int len;
const char str1[] = "ABCDEFG019874";
const char str2[] = "ABCD";
len = strspn(str1, str2);
printf("Length of initial segment matching %d\n", len );
I tested it on PC
gcc -o test test_strspn.c
Length of initial segment matching 4
with fastspin I get
fastspin -2b test_strspn.c
Propeller Spin/PASM Compiler 'FastSpin' (c) 2011-2019 Total Spectrum Software Inc.
Version 4.1.0-beta- Compiled on: Jan 5 2020
test_strspn.c:6: error: incompatible types in assignment
test_strspn.c:7: error: incompatible types in assignment
It is not so urgent now, but I wanted to point it out.
I'm unable to reproduce the problem, @garryj. Is this part of a larger project? Does it still happen if you give the -O0 option to fastspin to disable optimization?
I'm unable to reproduce the problem, @garryj. Is this part of a larger project? Does it still happen if you give the -O0 option to fastspin to disable optimization?
It's part of a larger project. A top object which includes the SmartSerial object and my USB kbd/mouse object. The inline code is in the top object. Compiled using -O0 still throws the warning.
Attached is (messy) code that triggers the warning (Win10).
Thank you, Garry. That was a good bug you found -- I missed a case in some inline assembly translation code. "wcz" is fixed in github now. For a work-around you can write "wc,wz" instead of "wcz"; the former should always work (the wc and wz paths were OK, and fastspin still accepts the old notation for setting both flags).
Thank you for the bug report, @Reinhard. I'm able to reproduce the problem here and I think I know what's wrong, but I'm not sure to fix it yet. I'll look into it.
I have ported a lot of C programs to fastspin / FlexC that work smoothly.
I only report the problems here. If you want you can send me a list of C functions that you would like to have tested. I want to make a small contribution. I know a lot about C and others are very competent for Basic and Spin2.
Thanks @Reinhard. I don't have any specific C functions in mind for testing right now, just general functionality -- the C compiler is still in its development phase so I'm sure there are still bugs in many places.
When using FlexGUI 4.1.0-beta, under Win10 and coding in BASIC for the P2-EVAL rev B board:
@ersmith It appears that some CLASS/END CLASS structures are giving the complier a headache. This is the error I get:
"d:/Flex2Gui/flexgui/bin/fastspin" -2 -l -O1 -I "d:/Flex2Gui/flexgui/include" -I "d:/Flex2Gui/flexgui/P2 Libs" "d:/Flex2Gui/flexgui/classtest.bas"
Propeller Spin/PASM Compiler 'FastSpin' (c) 2011-2020 Total Spectrum Software Inc.
Version 4.1.0-beta-a7cd18d7 Compiled on: Jan 10 2020
error: Cannot handle memrefs of size 12
error: Cannot handle memref of size 12
child process exited abnormally
Finished at Thu Jan 16 09:10:34 2020
This code that causes the error is this:
CLASS mytest
dim a as long
dim b as long
dim c as long
' dim d as long '<--- Uncommenting this line fixes everything.
dim one as mytest
dim two as mytest
one.a = 1
one.b = 2
one.c = 3
print one.a, one.b, one.c
print two.a, two.b, two.c
two = one
print one.a, one.b, one.c
print two.a, two.b, two.c
If you uncomment just that **one** line, it runs fine.
@ersmith Why does fastspin's listing file not show any COG relative addresses for all the embedded COG objects in my SPIN2 projects written in PASM (with ORG 0 lines) apart from some brief COG address from the very first object at hub address $400? Am I missing something required for getting this in the listing? I am using fastspin 4.0.4 beta in case this limitation is fixed in later versions...
00000 | ' baud = 230_400
00000 | baud = 230400
00000 | dat
00000 000 01 A0 63 FD | cogid $1d0
00004 001 02 00 00 FF
00008 002 00 A0 E7 FC | coginit $1d0,##$400
0000c 00 00 00 00 | orgh $10
00010 00 00 00 00 | long 0 'reserved
00014 00 00 00 00 | long 0 ' clock frequency: will default to 108000000
00018 00 00 00 00 | long 0 ' clock mode: will default to $6b
0001c 00 00 00 00
00568 05a | result1
00568 05a 00 00 00 00 | long 0
0056c 05b | result2
0056c 05b 00 00 00 00 | long 0
00570 05c | COG_BSS_START
00570 05c | fit 496 <---- no more COG relative adresses printed until the end of the image
00570 | orgh
00570 | hubentry
00570 |
00570 | '
00570 | ' PUB start
00570 | _start
00570 | ' coginit(cogid, demo, @demostack)
00570 54 3C 01 F6 | mov start_tmp002_, ptr__dat__
00574 9E A0 60 FC | wrlong objptr, start_tmp002_
00578 04 3C 05 F1 | add start_tmp002_, #4
<snip - all my own PASM code here even with "ORG 0" does not show COG relative addresses>
4f6dc 00 00 00 00
4f6e0 00 00 00 00
4f6e4 00 00 00 00
4f6e8 00 00 00 00
4f6ec 00 00 00 00 | long 0[1364]
4f6f0 | stackspace
4f6f0 00 00 00 00 | long 0[1]
4f6f4 05c | org COG_BSS_START <--- cog relative addresses resume at the end
4f6f4 05c | _tmp001_
4f6f4 05c | res 1
4f6f4 05d | _tmp002_
4f6f4 05d | res 1
4f6f4 05e | _tmp003_
4f6f4 05e | res 1
4f6f4 05f | _tmp005_
4f6f4 05f | res 1
4f6f4 060 | _tmp006_
4f6f4 060 | res 1
4f6f4 061 | _var01
4f6f4 061 | res 1
4f6f4 062 | _var02
4f6f4 062 | res 1
4f6f4 063 | _var03
4f6f4 063 | res 1
4f6f4 064 | _var04
4f6f4 064 | res 1
4f6f4 065 | _var05
4f6f4 065 | res 1
4f6f4 066 | _var06
4f6f4 066 | res 1
4f6f4 067 | _var07
4f6f4 067 | res 1
4f6f4 068 | _var08
4f6f4 068 | res 1
4f6f4 069 | _var09
4f6f4 069 | res 1
4f6f4 06a | _var10
I do have ORGs in the code as well though but they don't seem to be interpreted during the listing generation step...
eg. in my included objects is this video driver code
org 0
' Initial driver entry code, this is also reused later for variable storage
statusaddr mov statusaddr, ptra 'save ptra as the status address
mailbox1 rdlong mailbox1, ptra[3] wc 'read mailbox address information
linebuf1 rdlong linebuf1, ptra[4] 'extract scan line buffer address
linebuf2 rdlong linebuf2, ptra[5] 'extract scan line buffer address
mailbox2 add ptra, #24 'skip past the init parameters
paramaddr mov paramaddr, ptra 'save pointer to first region data
and the listing it generates is this...(all I get is the hub address which makes it harder to verify addresses etc.)
4a62c | alignl
4a62c | _p2videodrvmonotext_dat_
4a62c | orgh
4a62c |
4a62c | videodriver
4a62c | org 0
4a62c |
4a62c | '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4a62c | '
4a62c | ' Initial driver entry code, this is also reused later for variable storage
4a62c | '
4a62c | '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4a62c F8 01 00 F6 | statusaddr mov statusaddr, ptra 'save ptra as the status address
4a630 03 03 14 FB | mailbox1 rdlong mailbox1, ptra[3] wc 'read mailbox address information
4a634 04 05 04 FB | linebuf1 rdlong linebuf1, ptra[4] 'extract scan line buffer address
4a638 05 07 04 FB | linebuf2 rdlong linebuf2, ptra[5] 'extract scan line buffer address
4a63c 18 F0 07 F1 | mailbox2 add ptra, #24 'skip past the init parameters
4a640 F8 0B 00 F6 | paramaddr mov paramaddr, ptra 'save pointer to first region data
T'was just reading the command help for Fastspin and noted the "-2b" parameter description could be updated to include RevC silicon since there is no software differences.
@ersmith Why does fastspin's listing file not show any COG relative addresses for all the embedded COG objects in my SPIN2 projects written in PASM (with ORG 0 lines) apart from some brief COG address from the very first object at hub address $400?
Well, the technical reason is that the DAT sections of sub-objects are compiled first, and seperately (so that labels in them don't conflict, and also so that spin2cpp can output them as hex codes while still translating the Spin to C), so the listing file doesn't actually see the original assembly code for objects, just the compiled code with some comments giving the original code (see the .p2asm file for what exactly gets compiled).
The "human" reason is that nobody noticed that and complained before . I agree that it would be nice if the COG addresses showed up, and I'll try to figure out a way to pass that information through to the listing.
T'was just reading the command help for Fastspin and noted the "-2b" parameter description could be updated to include RevC silicon since there is no software differences.
@ersmith It appears the RND() function is having a bad day. This bit of code: makes this mischief happen: I'm not much of a C-person these days, but it looks like random.c is complaining about an attempt to use the P2's system counter as a random seed source: I'll leave this covfefe in your capable hands.
BTW: Thanks for your earlier help on the array issues. The code you included was VERY helpful!
BTW; Breaking things is just one of the many services I provide. You should see my plumbing projects. Lol!
My question is:
Is there a way to change the parameter at runtime and hand it over to the second cog without stopping and then restarting the cog. I also tried to work with a mailbox, like the P1, but it doesn't work.
Here is the working program.
I am very happy with fastspin. Is this the same as FlexC, what I read in the documents?
Thank you and i hope i haven't repeated the topic, i haven't read all the comments.
Your more_cogs.c program is failing because the inline assembly code in gen_cos_sin makes a direct reference to a variable "frq" which isn't a local variable (it's a global). That's not allowed, and it should have been detected by the compiler -- there's a bug in the compiler. To fix more_cogs.c, change gen_cos_sin() to:
Thank you. Yes, FlexC is the name for the C dialect that fastspin accepts. It's intended to be a superset of C99, with some C++ features like classes and reference parameters.
It is a giant work to support 4 languages in one compiler.
I think the other direction, send from cog to global, is similar (?)
Yes, just make sure to set the global in C from a local variable. The inline assembly code should only ever access local variables, never global. The reason is that local variables are in registers (so can be changed by assembly instructions like "add" directly) but global variables are in HUB memory, so instructions like "add" cannot work on them.
for a larger project I need the C - Function size_t strspn(const char *, const char *);
Therefore I make a test:
I tested it on PC
with fastspin I get
It is not so urgent now, but I wanted to point it out.
Attached is (messy) code that triggers the warning (Win10).
I have a testexample, this works also on P1 with gcc. I tried it to run on P2. I commented out the affected lines. Then the program can be compiled and loaded. Of course, error messages come because the commented out functions are missing. It seems this parameter passing causes problems:
It is not urgent this time either, but if I can help as a beta tester, please.
-- all needed files are attached --
Thanks for your help!
I have ported a lot of C programs to fastspin / FlexC that work smoothly.
I only report the problems here. If you want you can send me a list of C functions that you would like to have tested. I want to make a small contribution. I know a lot about C and others are very competent for Basic and Spin2.
@ersmith It appears that some CLASS/END CLASS structures are giving the complier a headache. This is the error I get:
This code that causes the error is this: If you uncomment just that **one** line, it runs fine.
eg. in my included objects is this video driver code
and the listing it generates is this...(all I get is the hub address which makes it harder to verify addresses etc.)
T'was just reading the command help for Fastspin and noted the "-2b" parameter description could be updated to include RevC silicon since there is no software differences.
Well, the technical reason is that the DAT sections of sub-objects are compiled first, and seperately (so that labels in them don't conflict, and also so that spin2cpp can output them as hex codes while still translating the Spin to C), so the listing file doesn't actually see the original assembly code for objects, just the compiled code with some comments giving the original code (see the .p2asm file for what exactly gets compiled).
The "human" reason is that nobody noticed that and complained before
Good point.
Thanks for the bug reports, guys!
compile and run