Eric, I've not had time to do much with it, but what I did do worked nicely. I really want you to know your efforts are appreciated. I'm in for $5 a month right now. That can change too. [I just had a free moment and did the default signup. You gotta tell us what makes sense. (somehow, lol)
Thank you, I really appreciate it! Every little bit helps. If 10 of us chip in $5/year then even after taxes and fees there should be enough for an "EV" signing cert that gets rid of the warnings completely. If not, maybe we can get one of the cheaper certificates. And if there's not enough for that, well, maybe I can buy some Parallax toys and/or a few coffees to fuel late night programming sessions .
How does the signing process work? Can one get a cert useful for signing multiple executables, or is it per executable, or what? I'm thinking maybe get the multiple signing cert, and maybe a few handy things can get signed... Just a random thought.
My understanding is that the cert is good for any number of signings during its period of validity (typically 1 year, although for more money you can get a 2 or 3 year certificate). So lots of fastspin, spin2gui, and loadp2 releases, and maybe a few other things too...
I'll sign up for $5/mo too, Eric. I've already been affected by windows sandboxing your app, without telling me it was doing so, hopefully the legit certificate fixes that
[Thinks it is just crazy that people buy machines that cannot just run an executable]
Yes platform cabals have started. Back in our day we used to be able to just write an executable and be able to run/distribute it without paying an extra fee to some special group, but it's a different world now. I guess in the case of needing these certificates, all the malware guys have sort of created this with the widespread distribution of malicious software so much easier now, and "certification" is meant to hinder that or at least enable some traceability of the software's origin and hopefully also provide some confidence the software hasn't been corrupted. I liked those old days more...
It's showing me $499 USD/year for the code signing certificate on that site. I'm not surprised that the price is different -- I suspect they show different prices to different people and in different places -- but the size of the difference is a little surprising.
Certum has an opensource license, but it is very unclear what the actual cost is
[Thinks it is just crazy that people buy machines that cannot just run an executable]
It is indeed. I myself have taken to avoid such crippled hardware.
On the topic of signing certificates, I once had the problem of Windows 10 users having trouble running my EXEs (Warning message which to override you had to click on "more information" or whatever, which looked like a hyperlink, really non-obvious). As usual, it was just a hobby thing, so instead of paying the ridiculous extortion fee for a certificate, I just got hold of registry tweak file that disables the SmartScreen nonsense and told people to apply that first, heh.
I'm fairly certain that Parallax has the ability to create signed certificates for Win & macOS (I remember setting up the macOS certificate for SimpleIDE with Jeff Martin, at some point in history)...
I am not really sure about this certificate stuff. Windows is not Sandboxing the current exe, it just asks you to allow it once.
On the other hand I am just hacking around with Spin2Gui to integrate TAQOZ into the mix and am stuck now with the uncertificated version, I guess.
Because If that certification does pretend hackers to change the existing code, It will prevent me from changing Spin2Gui. I have not tried it yet, but If I am able to change gui.tcl on a certified exe then the certification is not worth a dime.
And if I am NOT able to do so, then Eric needs to provide two versions or I need to send every change to Eric to test it.
I think I found a bug in the fastspin compiler, or I am doing something wrong.
I am converting a big project from P1 to P2 with more than 5000 lines of code. So the less I need to change the happier I am
And I couldn't get this part working until i saw the lst file.
byte[@modus1_name][20] := "!"
should do the same as
byte[@modus1_name+20][0] := "!"
But it isn't.
byte[@modus1_name][20] := "!" does this (and works like a charm):
there is an offset missing. the ptr__dat__ is not included when there is a calculation.
A bytemove suffers the same problem.
Is this known and is there a workaround?
EDIT: I downloaded the lates version currently available, changed optimisations and tried with ( ) without luck. Whenever there is a calculation in the first part, it skips to add the offset.
for compilation I use the following:
I am not really sure about this certificate stuff. Windows is not Sandboxing the current exe, it just asks you to allow it once.
On the other hand I am just hacking around with Spin2Gui to integrate TAQOZ into the mix and am stuck now with the uncertificated version, I guess.
Because If that certification does pretend hackers to change the existing code, It will prevent me from changing Spin2Gui. I have not tried it yet, but If I am able to change gui.tcl on a certified exe then the certification is not worth a dime.
The signature only applies to the binary (spin2gui.exe), which in this case is the Tcl interpreter. The actual Tcl scripts themselves are not signed. So yes, there's still a pretty big security hole in one sense. On the other hand the Tcl scripts are in plain text so bad things in them are relatively easy to spot.
I think the main purpose of this signature thing is to protect against viruses that spread by inserting themselves into binaries. (Well, that and probably earning money for Microsoft...)
I think I found a bug in the fastspin compiler, or I am doing something wrong.
I am converting a big project from P1 to P2 with more than 5000 lines of code. So the less I need to change the happier I am
And I couldn't get this part working until i saw the lst file.
byte[@modus1_name][20] := "!"
should do the same as
byte[@modus1_name+20][0] := "!"
But it isn't.
Yes, it certainly should produce the same thing. There's a bug in the handling of @ when applied to DAT section labels from inside a Spin function. Thanks for finding this and posting the bug report!
Are you able to build fastspin from source? I checked a fix in to my github repository. I'm away from my P2 at the moment so I can't verify everything, but at least the two code snippets you posted above produce the same output now.
Not sure if that applies to normal programs as I see now it's drivers?
Edit: in the mean time I'll sign up for another $5/month today
Thanks! And thanks for finding that link -- it's dramatically cheaper. I also wonder if it's driver only. I've sent in an application and we'll see what happens...
Yes, it certainly should produce the same thing. There's a bug in the handling of @ when applied to DAT section labels from inside a Spin function. Thanks for finding this and posting the bug report!
Are you able to build fastspin from source? I checked a fix in to my github repository. I'm away from my P2 at the moment so I can't verify everything, but at least the two code snippets you posted above produce the same output now.
I am sorry. I tried, but I couldn't get it build from source.
I have no idea what I did wrong. It also is a bit out of my comfort zone. I can program a µC, but a PC is a black box for me.
Can you build it? Thank you in advance!
Here's a zip file containing the lastest fastspin for Windows. It's a beta version and hasn't been through the whole test suite, so I'm not sure if everything works (it should, but caveat emptor).
[ reported not working, so file has been deleted ]
Thanks for the info, although I know I was compiling for P2 since it rejected a missed movs and accepted sets. Also the :label for P1 and .label for P2. These make P1 and P2 non-interchangeable.
I presume the output will be correct then for P1 or P2 but I’ll check the listing to be sure.
Here's a zip file containing the lastest fastspin for Windows. It's a beta version and hasn't been through the whole test suite, so I'm not sure if everything works (it should, but caveat emptor).
sorry, I got nothing from this exe. When I run this, I don't have any feedback in the console.
The file is also a lot smaller (2MB vs 1.4MB).
Here's a zip file containing the lastest fastspin for Windows. It's a beta version and hasn't been through the whole test suite, so I'm not sure if everything works (it should, but caveat emptor).
sorry, I got nothing from this exe. When I run this, I don't have any feedback in the console.
The file is also a lot smaller (2MB vs 1.4MB).
Argh; sorry, it's hard for me to test remotely. Could you try the one attached to this message instead?
Here's a zip file containing the lastest fastspin for Windows. It's a beta version and hasn't been through the whole test suite, so I'm not sure if everything works (it should, but caveat emptor).
sorry, I got nothing from this exe. When I run this, I don't have any feedback in the console.
The file is also a lot smaller (2MB vs 1.4MB).
Argh; sorry, it's hard for me to test remotely. Could you try the one attached to this message instead?
It is working like a charm!
I haven't testen all the features of the compiler, but this bug is history.
Thank you so much!
Eric: How does fastspin find its include files? I created a ~/fastspin directory as described in the Linux section of your file and copied the binaries and the include files there in the appropriate subdirectories but fastspin doesn't seem to be able to find its header files when I try to compile ebasic3. Has something changed? I have ~/fastspin/bin in my PATH.
Davids-Mac-mini:ebasic3 dbetz$ make
fastspin -o ebasic -2 -D PROPELLER -D LINE_EDIT -D vsprintf=__simple_vsprintf ebasic.c db_compiler.c db_edit.c db_expr.c db_generate.c db_image.c db_scan.c db_statement.c db_symbols.c db_system.c db_vmdebug.c db_vmint.c editbuf.c osint_prop2.c simple_vsnprintf.c fastspin_stuff.c
Propeller Spin/PASM Compiler 'FastSpin' (c) 2011-2019 Total Spectrum Software Inc.
Version 3.9.29-beta-2c52443 Compiled on: Aug 7 2019
error: Preprocessor errors:
/Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/ebasic.c:1: error: Can't open include file "stdio.h"
#include <stdio.h>
/Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/db_compiler.h:10: error: Can't open include file "stdio.h"
#include <stdio.h>
from /Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/ebasic.c: 2: #include "db_compiler.h"
/Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/db_compiler.h:11: error: Can't open include file "setjmp.h"
#include <setjmp.h>
from /Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/ebasic.c: 2: #include "db_compiler.h"
/Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/db_types.h:93: error: Can't open include file "string.h"
#include <string.h>
from /Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/db_compiler.h: 12: #include "db_types.h"
from /Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/ebasic.c: 2: #include "db_compiler.h"
/Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/db_types.h:94: error: Can't open include file "stdint.h"
#include <stdint.h>
from /Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/db_compiler.h: 12: #include "db_types.h"
from /Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/ebasic.c: 2: #include "db_compiler.h"
/Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/db_image.h:10: error: Can't open include file "stdarg.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
from /Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/db_compiler.h: 13: #include "db_image.h"
from /Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/ebasic.c: 2: #include "db_compiler.h"
/Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/db_system.h:10: error: Can't open include file "stdarg.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
from /Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/db_image.h: 11: #include "db_system.h"
from /Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/db_compiler.h: 13: #include "db_image.h"
from /Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/ebasic.c: 2: #include "db_compiler.h"
/Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/db_system.h:11: error: Can't open include file "setjmp.h"
#include <setjmp.h>
from /Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/db_image.h: 11: #include "db_system.h"
from /Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/db_compiler.h: 13: #include "db_image.h"
from /Users/dbetz/work/ebasic3/ebasic.c: 2: #include "db_compiler.h"
8 errors in preprocessor.
Okay, I see. There are no stdio.h, etc files in the include directory. Where do I find the .h files that go with fastspin C?
Edit: I now see I have a proplib directory that I got from your GitHub account as well. Can you please remind me how to put together a working fastspin C environment? I know I had ebasic3 working with fastspin at one point and I'd like to get it working again.
fastspin looks for its include files by default in $BINARY_DIRECTORY/../include, where $BINARY_DIRECTORY is the directory which contains the executable program.
You can override this by setting an environment variable called FASTSPIN_INCLUDE_PATH.
You mentioned in the next message that your include directory is empty, which doesn't sound right at all. If you look in the original github repository there's an include directory which includes the standard .h files like stdio.h. Those are what you want to have in $BINARY_DIRECTORY/../include. Are you sure you've checked everything out and are up to date from github? Also, are you sure you're running the fastspin you just installed (that there's no other fastspin on your path)? If all else fails try explicitly running $GIT_REPO/build/fastspin, where $GIT_REPO is the location where you've checked out fastspin.
(Incidentally, the fastspin library does have vsprintf now, so you shouldn't have to provide that for ebasic any more).
fastspin looks for its include files by default in $BINARY_DIRECTORY/../include, where $BINARY_DIRECTORY is the directory which contains the executable program.
You can override this by setting an environment variable called FASTSPIN_INCLUDE_PATH.
You mentioned in the next message that your include directory is empty, which doesn't sound right at all. If you look in the original github repository there's an include directory which includes the standard .h files like stdio.h. Those are what you want to have in $BINARY_DIRECTORY/../include. Are you sure you've checked everything out and are up to date from github? Also, are you sure you're running the fastspin you just installed (that there's no other fastspin on your path)? If all else fails try explicitly running $GIT_REPO/build/fastspin, where $GIT_REPO is the location where you've checked out fastspin.
(Incidentally, the fastspin library does have vsprintf now, so you shouldn't have to provide that for ebasic any more).
Hmmm... I'm not sure what happened. I'll try updating spin2cpp again tonight when I get home. I did it from my laptop that I have at work and you're certainly correct that the header files are in the include directory. I'm not sure what happened when I moved them to $HOME/fastspin/include. Sorry for the false alarm and thanks for your response.
Thank you, I really appreciate it! Every little bit helps. If 10 of us chip in $5/year then even after taxes and fees there should be enough for an "EV" signing cert that gets rid of the warnings completely. If not, maybe we can get one of the cheaper certificates. And if there's not enough for that, well, maybe I can buy some Parallax toys and/or a few coffees to fuel late night programming sessions
My understanding is that the cert is good for any number of signings during its period of validity (typically 1 year, although for more money you can get a 2 or 3 year certificate). So lots of fastspin, spin2gui, and loadp2 releases, and maybe a few other things too...
If so, cool. That does not seem all that onerous.
[Thinks it is just crazy that people buy machines that cannot just run an executable]
And there are a few apps in development I am working with that all are not signed. Happens a lot.
And can you imagine just typing bytes in, then run? Crazy today it seems...
Followed the link from here to get the cheaper option:
Not sure if that applies to normal programs as I see now it's drivers?
Edit: in the mean time I'll sign up for another $5/month today
On the topic of signing certificates, I once had the problem of Windows 10 users having trouble running my EXEs (Warning message which to override you had to click on "more information" or whatever, which looked like a hyperlink, really non-obvious). As usual, it was just a hobby thing, so instead of paying the ridiculous extortion fee for a certificate, I just got hold of registry tweak file that disables the SmartScreen nonsense and told people to apply that first, heh.
On the other hand I am just hacking around with Spin2Gui to integrate TAQOZ into the mix and am stuck now with the uncertificated version, I guess.
Because If that certification does pretend hackers to change the existing code, It will prevent me from changing Spin2Gui. I have not tried it yet, but If I am able to change gui.tcl on a certified exe then the certification is not worth a dime.
And if I am NOT able to do so, then Eric needs to provide two versions or I need to send every change to Eric to test it.
It's open source, you can always clone it, make changes, and build yourself. So no need for separate versions.
You are right, but currently I just patch my version and add some buttons to gui.tcl… lame excuse I know
I am converting a big project from P1 to P2 with more than 5000 lines of code. So the less I need to change the happier I am
And I couldn't get this part working until i saw the lst file.
should do the same as But it isn't.
byte[@modus1_name][20] := "!" does this (and works like a charm):
while byte[@modus1_name+20][0] := "!" does this (and DOESN'T work):
there is an offset missing. the ptr__dat__ is not included when there is a calculation.
A bytemove suffers the same problem.
Is this known and is there a workaround?
EDIT: I downloaded the lates version currently available, changed optimisations and tried with ( ) without luck. Whenever there is a calculation in the first part, it skips to add the offset.
for compilation I use the following:
EDIT2: I found a work-a-round. This WORKS: But I still count this as a bug that needs a fix.
I think the main purpose of this signature thing is to protect against viruses that spread by inserting themselves into binaries. (Well, that and probably earning money for Microsoft...)
Yes, it certainly should produce the same thing. There's a bug in the handling of @ when applied to DAT section labels from inside a Spin function. Thanks for finding this and posting the bug report!
Are you able to build fastspin from source? I checked a fix in to my github repository. I'm away from my P2 at the moment so I can't verify everything, but at least the two code snippets you posted above produce the same output now.
Thanks! And thanks for finding that link -- it's dramatically cheaper. I also wonder if it's driver only. I've sent in an application and we'll see what happens...
I have no idea what I did wrong. It also is a bit out of my comfort zone. I can program a µC, but a PC is a black box for me.
Can you build it? Thank you in advance!
[ reported not working, so file has been deleted ]
I downloaded spingui today. Ran code thru it and compiled but not loaded.
It looks great !
Thanks so much for your work
You have to select if you want to build for P1 or P2
Menu Commands
last one Configure Commands
Then select Defaults: P1 Defaults or P2 Defaults and save.
Works for me and you can use it for P1 or P2. Well mostly. Pasm does not convert easy.
I presume the output will be correct then for P1 or P2 but I’ll check the listing to be sure.
sorry, I got nothing from this exe. When I run this, I don't have any feedback in the console.
The file is also a lot smaller (2MB vs 1.4MB).
Argh; sorry, it's hard for me to test remotely. Could you try the one attached to this message instead?
It is working like a charm!
I haven't testen all the features of the compiler, but this bug is history.
Thank you so much!
Edit: I now see I have a proplib directory that I got from your GitHub account as well. Can you please remind me how to put together a working fastspin C environment? I know I had ebasic3 working with fastspin at one point and I'd like to get it working again.
You can override this by setting an environment variable called FASTSPIN_INCLUDE_PATH.
You mentioned in the next message that your include directory is empty, which doesn't sound right at all. If you look in the original github repository there's an include directory which includes the standard .h files like stdio.h. Those are what you want to have in $BINARY_DIRECTORY/../include. Are you sure you've checked everything out and are up to date from github? Also, are you sure you're running the fastspin you just installed (that there's no other fastspin on your path)? If all else fails try explicitly running $GIT_REPO/build/fastspin, where $GIT_REPO is the location where you've checked out fastspin.
(Incidentally, the fastspin library does have vsprintf now, so you shouldn't have to provide that for ebasic any more).