TI83Plus and BS2 and display --works

in BASIC Stamp
Not too long ago I asked about having one of two of the LCD displays, either the Parallax 2 x 16 Serial LCD (Backlit) or perhaps Parallax 4 x 20 Serial LCD (Backlit) posing as the debug output for the classic program that communicates with a TI83Plus device. That is the classic program plus the instructions for the display:
I have both so I selected Parallax 2 x 16 Serial LCD (Backlit) to try out the idea. Since it works, the other one will be tried out.
I can't stress enough the significance of trying out the whole business where you are all of you.
Footnote time, this calculator came from the Book-Off store in Manhattan.
Not too long ago I asked about having one of two of the LCD displays, either the Parallax 2 x 16 Serial LCD (Backlit) or perhaps Parallax 4 x 20 Serial LCD (Backlit) posing as the debug output for the classic program that communicates with a TI83Plus device. That is the classic program plus the instructions for the display:
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.0}
serdata VAR Byte
'*****this will wait for serial from calculator
SERIN 15,396,[serdata]
'***this will send it to the pc debug screen
DEBUG DEC serdata, CR
SEROUT 14,396,[HEX serdata, CR]
'***this will send the same data plus 1 back to the calculator
serdata=serdata + 1
SEROUT 15,396,[serdata]
SEROUT 14,396,[HEX serdata, CR]
GOTO again
I have both so I selected Parallax 2 x 16 Serial LCD (Backlit) to try out the idea. Since it works, the other one will be tried out.
I can't stress enough the significance of trying out the whole business where you are all of you.
Footnote time, this calculator came from the Book-Off store in Manhattan.