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PLC Talk

FredBlaisFredBlais Posts: 380
edited 2016-04-28 15:34 in General Discussion
To continue the PLC discussion that started on the P2 forum and was getting out of topic.


  • FredBlaisFredBlais Posts: 380
    edited 2016-04-28 15:36
    Heater. wrote: »
    These PLCs look like some parallel universe where a lot of programming is going on to get stuff done in factories and such. Totally detached from the the universe of normal programming and programmers.

    Of course there are other parallel universes of programming. For example we hear there is a lot of COBOL in use and still being written in the financial world. After decades moving around various industries programming it's only recently I met a COBOL programmer for the first time. Wow, it was like making contact with an extra terrestrial intelligence! Despite working on process control systems for a long time I have never met anyone who programs a PLC.

    This is a bit of a problem. Lessons learned in one programming universe don't make it over to the others so easily. For example security issues. Google "stuxnet" for a great example.
  • FredBlais wrote: »

    My hobby is electronics, my job is industrial automation. When I first learned about PLC when I was still in the university, it did not make any sense to me at all to pay thousands of bucks for an automation controller to do something that we can do for a couple of bucks with microcontrollers. Now that I see what is happening in factories, I realize how I was wrong.

    One hour downtime in the plants where I work translate in a loss of 5,000-15,000$. The cost of the controller is negligible. Replacing a faulty IO card or CPU with a spare is a matter of minutes and distributors can ship parts so we receive them the next day. The software to program these serve both purpose of programming and debugging at the same time. Text programming is a pain for electricians and technicians. Most IEC 61131-3 languages used to program those are visual. (we mostly use ladder logic and sequential function chart). As you look in the code (when working online with the controller), you can see the values of the variable change and analyze what is happening. Take a look at this example ladder rung :

    Also, the most notable feature is online edits. That means that you can modify the program (e.g. changing a ladder rung) while the production is running, this saves you a lot of downtime. Most of the time, I'm adding new program features to the controller during shifts. You can be more than one at the same time online with the PLC, so the electricians debugging another problem in the plant on the same controller as me and changing some lines of code don't interfere with what I'm doing (unless we work on the exact same ladder routine).

    In the world of industrial automation, compiling code and flashing a microcontroller memory or modifying a computer program forcing a shutdown of operations everytime does not work. Also, not everyone are geniuses like the people on this forum and can program like pros. Most electricians are only able to force/bypass some bits of logic allowing the production to continue when a particual photoeye or limit switch is broken. The core code often is not changed that much once the plant is running well.

    Don't be mistaken and think that PLC and ladder logic is only good for dumb stuff (buttons, relays and valves). Where I work, we designed a machine that wraps a bundle of wood. The PLC used is an ControlLogix from Allen-Bradley. The machine is all servo-motors (not your typical hobby servo) and pneumatics. It's more than 12 motion axis that we have to synchronize together to grab the paper and staple it on the bundle. I'll take a video tonight and edit my post so you can see it in action.

    But all of what I'm saying is for automating a production line. I think it is perfectly fine that someone that makes a device (let's say a metal detector before putting food in its package to prevent putting a fallen screw in it) uses the microcontroller of his choice. As long as spares are available if something breaks. Electrical cabinets housing PLC are often used for more than 20 years, replacement parts are still available.

    Sorry for disrupting this thread with all of this PLC talk.

  • dMajo wrote: »
    Yes, the cost is negligible many times. In the plants I work for, because of the production chain, 1 hour of downtime on a machine translates to a loss of nearly 100K$. Because if there is no buffers in the production chain the stop of broken machine is only delayed for the next one because even if working it miss the parts to process. And this can happen along all the production line.
    But I do not agree for ladder logic as I consider it limited. You need to consider that with ladder you are many times interacting with function blocks (function card drivers for example) and these function blocks are all written in instruction list or sometimes in structured text.
    An instruction list (structured text) chunk of code with the addition of a couple of instructions can be used in ladder logic.

    It is true that maintenance people (electricians or automation technicians) in the factory have many times troubles understanding instruction list. For this reason we receive many times specifications form customers that states that they want the program in ladder. In this case all the code interacting with in/out (emergency circuit, inhibits, interloocks, safety switches, overload protections ...) is made in ladder but the core functions are always written in instruction list and those people rappresenting the program in ladder see a rectangular box with all the inputs and outputs to it. But internally this box is not written in ladder. Thus we can say that the process control is written in higher level languages while the IO interfacing is written in ladder.


    There is some misunderstanding here or FredBlais was not clear enough. When I said in the previous post that the PLC have its own OS, that any language is basically interpreted (more or less like spin on propeller) there is many other things happening behind the scenes.

    The code in the PLC is divided in blocks. You have many type of blocks (autostarting blocks, function blocks, data blocks ....). The autostarting blocks are like the main in many languages. This is triggered by the OS after/before IO shadowing in ram. This is your main program. You can write everything here but like in any language it is good to logically/functionally divide the code, using function blocks in this case. Other kind of autostarting (automatically called by OS) blocks can be interrupts, diag events, .....

    You normally work on an offline copy that is more comprehensive than the online. Eg offline you have comments, you have a symbolic table for the IOs, you chose the labels name (jump targets). In the online generally all this is missing. When you debug through the offline project, in the realtime states screen you see all the offline information. But having in the online copy all the configurations and code (more or less) means that you can debug the program even without the project, only the ide is enough. The ide shows you (ladder or code lines) in the same way but some info is missing (coments, symbols, labels: instead of having your logic names they are numbered numerically from the top to the bottom, ...). Of course you can do everything only with the "online copy" if there is no copy protection (know-how) in place, but the ide and the offline project allows you to document everything.

    Where is the magic. All the IEC 61131-3 standard languages shares a calling standard. There is a block interface version and unless the block interface remain the same (there isn't any change in the exchanged parameters/arguments) you can replace the block of code without any pain and without the need to upload/update the parent block that is calling the modified one. Moreover you can change the programming language so if a block before was in ladder you can rewrite il in instruction list and replace "live" (when the machine is working). Sometimes is enough to change the representation: you can always view a ladder block in instruction list format, the opposite is not always true because there is instructions that can't be translated in ladder.
    When FredBlais said online editing is because he feels like that. Really the IDE downloads the online block, enable you to edit it, and then uploads again the modified version. How the uploads work: the block get copied in a new memory area and then the pointer to its beginning is changed and the old block's memory area becomes free.
    If you change the interface also the parent block must be updated because the calling structure may be different (this can involve calling stack and other things). Also here, the IDE usually allows you to select which blocks to upload. If you select multiple blocks (can be program blocks or data blocks for example) they get uploaded in the order you have chosen them but all the pointers are then modified synchronously at the end of the upload. This, by carefully choosing the upload order, gives you the opportunity to change the code while the machine is in production. Skilled and confident (in his skills) programmers/developers do this many time.

  • dMajo wrote:
    You normally work on an offline copy that is more comprehensive than the online. Eg offline you have comments, you have a symbolic table for the IOs, you chose the labels name (jump targets). In the online generally all this is missing.

    What PLC are you using the most?

    Older AB PLC (prior to Logix family) like the PLC5 and SLC500 had data files where accessing data was kind of more direct memory access, e.g. B3:0/0 for a BOOL and N7:0 for a DINT. You could give a symbol name to a memory address if you wanted. Everything was saved in the project file (comments and symbols) so when uploading a project from the PLC directly, you end up with a mess of not unintelligible code.

    The greatest feature of the ControlLogix for me is the introduction of tags. You just choose your tag name and type and the PLC/IDE take care of where it will reside in memory. The tag names are saved in the PLC, so when you upload, they are not lost. However, the rung comments and tag comments are saved in the project file. This is true for RSLogix version V20 and below.

    The new logix processors, (L7 series) when using RSLogix V21 and up come with a separate SD card and now, all the comments are saved in the PLC and the project file.

    I like that because I can upload a program and get the latest comments that the others added. Without that, a lot of comments are lost because some make the error of using different offline project files for the same controller.

    dMajo wrote:
    But I do not agree for ladder logic as I consider it limited. You need to consider that with ladder you are many times interacting with function blocks (function card drivers for example) and these function blocks are all written in instruction list or sometimes in structured text.

    Yes, it is true that behing the scenes it's all instruction list (and end up in machine code!). I think it's a little bit similar as OOP, using a library of code or a Propeller object from the Obex : you don't really need to know what is in there, as long as it works and you have an interface to communicate with the piece of code.

    I don't really see the need to do all in instruction list though. In some plant I work, there is high speed sorting done on a lug chain coupled to an encoder. All the logic is done in ladder, except some parts in structured text where a lot of loops were needed. However, this could have been done with a simple JMP and LBL ladder instruction.
  • I, for one am glad that you started this thread...Fred! Hopefully it might spark some more interest in utilizing the Prop for such things. Might expand the Prop's horizons a bit.

    It would be nice to see more "industrially ruggedized" I/O interface projects as well.
  • @FredBlais
    I've met the PLC's for the first time in '94. It was Siemens S5 103 and 115 series. I was lucky because I was born as a programmer from the age of 12 first on C64 and then growing up on Amiga, 286/386/486... win systems, and the company where I work had all the programs in instruction list. Even today it is much easier for me to read instruction list/structured text rather than ladder.
    I started as a field assistance technician but was moved after 6 month in the r&d department developing the electrical and sw part of high vacuum metallizing plants (using different technologies as magnetron sputtering and evaporation through heating elements and electronic beams) for automotive (aluminium/silicon/polymerization of front/rear lamps; silver/copper on mercedes triangular reflectors), toys (everything has a metallic color, aluminium/silicon), food/tobacco/electronic capacitors (aluminium metallized paper or plastic film), aerospace (cadmium deposition on landing system and wings parts), sun glasses (chrome/silicon deposition on lenses), optical systems (multilayer dieletric coatings on hot and cold mirrors), cosmetics (various housings of nail varnish, lipstick, face powder) and generally (car/boat/street/furnishings) every kind of glass and plastic mirrors. And many other materials. This are examples of batch and roll2roll coaters.
    Most of the machine was sold with our process know-how. During the commissioning all the process parameters was found out for a given product. Other times eg. for hot/cold mirrors the proccess knowledge was customer's and we only supply a system able to accomplish the requested tasks/jobs, in this case the deposition in single cycle of up to 40 layers of different materials controlling their optical thickness layer by layer. We developed our measuring instrument because this kind of measure was not possible through the PLC. I think this measuring system was the harder task I ever done.

    My most used PLC (because of the worldwide availability of spare parts) was Siemens S5 and then S7. But when I worked in the vacuum field all the systems sold in France and their partnerships around the world was Telemecanique (Shcneider electric). Some of the plants sold to the states was made with GE Fanuc upon their request. On roll2roll systems there was a combination of Siemens and Allen Bradley but because at that time they was used to bought all the rolls control system from a third company that makes this kind of controls for the newspaper industry. As soon as I become the responsible of r&d we start building this controls inside using Siemens. The data acquisition/scada for the batch coaters was internally developed (mainly vb for the program with vc libraries for graph rendering because at that time vb3 was too slow. On the roll2roll we used iFix. This was 94-01 era.
    Now I work in the metallurgic field (ductile cast iron pipes) for an multinational enterprise as the r&d and ict manager for their european plans so I use almost only Siemens S7 (300/400/1200) and sometimes Omron for some minor tasks (outside my first job) and always because forced. Here I've developed all the casting machines, zinc/alluminium coaters, inline water pressure test equipment and varnishing plants. All the HMI is Siemens, scada WinCC with a few Cimplicity. It still happens that sometimes I am called for some revampings of old coaters so I put my hands on the other brands again.
    Considering my experience 94-today my first choice is Siemens and second Schneider electric but I haven't programmed the latest models of other brands in the last 5/10 years.

    Regarding the choice of language I think it is up to the programmer until you face the language limit when you simply can't do a thing with ladder. For an electrician approaching the PLC the ladder is certainly simplier. In my case, coming from PC programming, instruction list or structured text is easier.
    If you have to make a neural networks, nearly any controller, a mediane filter, you have to deal with matrices, you need to use pointers and pointers to pointer you simply can't achieve this with ladder.If you are using only ladder it means you are using manufacturer's libraries/building blocks. I will never be able to control a 15ton casting machine moved by a hydraulic cilinder driven by a proportional valve with regenerative circuit with speeds up to 1m/sec, 0 to max speed and opposite in 30cm with positioning error of less than mm with the built-in pid controller. I needed to develop my controller that beside controlling the movement because of the feed-forward is very quick (aggresive) without oscillations, can filter out system resonances, is bumpless in swithing between auto/manu and can internally compensate for PV errors (eg encoder damage) without overrunning. There was also a need here to drastically simplify the mathematics because of the available PLC operands so it ended out with product sum and division of matrices of which some are of parameters. I need mathlab to find out its values but the controller is robust, very quick and can function also as normal pid (in this case not needing mathlab). During my carrier I have rewritten also half of the siemens original libraries, keeping the same interface, but extending its functions and in many cases producing a shorter code.
    So now that I am developing "for internal use" and that my maintenance people are all able to read instruction list I have no needs to write in ladder. Anyway all my "standard blocks", my library is written so that you can use it from ladder, it costs only two instructions more.

    Regarding the SD cards I immagine that nowadays they can store the complete project nearly for every brand as is for Siemens. Siemens have only one sd/mmc you only need to buy it larger to store the complete project. But this is only storage, unless you do not download it to your programming device you can't use its info while debugging. I mean that if you do not have the project in the ide you cant see the comments online only because the project is in the SD.
    evanh wrote: »
    What little experience I have with PLC function blocks, and I'll extrapolate that to all block types, they don't actually call each other. In that the execution does not flow serially through the linkages. They are effectively separate tasks that can signal each other.
    I think this is your feeling when you see ladder because you see many branches (lines) starting from left going to right. If you convert to instruction list you will see sequential instructions one below the other for the same line, repeating below for subsequent lines. And all this instructions are executed sequentially.
    The same is if one block calls another, like in C calling a function. You can nest them down to a certain level depending on the cpu specifications and stack availability.
    But in some cases you can have parallel tasks each following the same criteria. And they can signal each other because the memory is shared among them. One example can be a pid block running in an time scheduled task, while in the main program task you run the process. The pid needs scheduled run because of its id component but if you pass eg the auto/manu command to the block through a variable (from the main prg task) also the pid output (switching from auto to manu driving value) will be affected on time schedule basis. But you can recognize from which "task" a block is called so in my controllers I call it twice, once in the scheduled task and once in the main program task (which affect IO). The controller block recognize the calling task and executes different portion of code. In this way for example the feed-forward have immediate effect on the process and the controller corrects the error on time scheduled base.

    Anyway, in normal situations, it is not important because until all the program is executed nothing change in the outputs and all the program will see the same input states if you do not use tricks. Eg if you have a broken sensor you do not need to hw bridge/bypass it. It is enough that you set the input in the first line. The plc copy the physical inputs in ram and every time you query an input state (in the same program cycle/scan) you are querying ram location, so setting an input makes the next program lines think it is 1 while physically it is 0. The next refresh will again copy field 0 to ram but the first line of code will set it again on 1 thereby misleading the program. Same apply for outputs.
    So a synchronized picture of inputs is taken, then all the program is executed driving outputs (in memory) according to inputs (in memory) and at the and all the outputs are synchronously switched according to memory states. That mean that if during program execution an output is toggled several times only its latest state will be transferred to physical output.

    The only think you must take care is structures similar to "do/loop/until" are not to be used because it can hang the program waiting for a given condition that could not happen. In this case you loose control over inputs and you are not driving outputs. The watchdog will trigger = CPU in stop.
    While you can jump backward you must pay attention that a condition like the above can't happen.

    But some programming knowledge with PLC i think can also help to program better MCU. I feel that I have learned from PLC programming and I am usually applying the same criteria also on MCU, I mean avoiding loops, doing part of the job at every program cycle and thus having a more frequent picture of the IOs.

    I also think that the new P2 have a great potential in becoming the core cpu of a PLC system. It have the speed, determinism, multitasking, digital and analog IO and with 512K also the ram is sufficient in many cases.
    With some rules eg calling conventions, now that P2 executes from hub nearly the same speed, you can immagine a P2 where each "global" function, can contain local functions, but is a separate block/chunks of code and can be written each one in its language c/spin/pasm/even ladder and then assembled and linked together.
    By developing the ide/tools in this way it leaves the door open to any future language to be integrated in second time and leave the opportunity for mixed language programs.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,188
    Does anyone know anything about where the work in this link in the other thread got up to ?

  • I can't help but notice an 'Us vs Them' theme in some of the comments.

    I have been an electrician on the floor, a controls engineer, and have designed microcontroller based machines as well. I've been successful at all of the above and have a few observations.

    There are those who sabotage, but most of the time they are few and far between. Usually their peers will be able to get rid of them, Electricians usually aren't shy, and can be absolutely BRUTAL with a sabotaging so and so. (Or a dud engineer...)

    When confronted with any new engineer, an electrician will be cautious. As much as some rare electricians will sabotage, some rare engineers will screw up and lay it on the electrician. it happens.

    Ideally, they can earn each other's trust. Many electricians are WICKED smart, and can truly contribute to the project. Nothing works better than a machine that is understood and embraced by maintenance.
  • Don MDon M Posts: 1,654
    edited 2016-04-28 22:35
    I have a bunch of parts from this company. You program in ladder or basic.

    I would love to sell this stuff if anyone is interested.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,227
    dMajo wrote: »
    evanh wrote: »
    What little experience I have with PLC function blocks, and I'll extrapolate that to all block types, they don't actually call each other. In that the execution does not flow serially through the linkages. They are effectively separate tasks that can signal each other.

    ... The same is if one block calls another, like in C calling a function. You can nest them down to a certain level depending on the cpu specifications and stack availability.
    I actually tested the behaviour because I was curious as to the nature of the linkages. Edge triggering can be affected. And lag time too.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,188
    I'll paste these links from the other thread here too..

    IEC-61131-Instruction List as Byte code engine - by Rob Casey

    Google finds this :

    ( 'byte code' here is actually 16 bits, and it shows a good list of 1,8,16,32,64b types )

    and this
    and some postings from about 1 year ago
  • @jmg
    the original software is hosted on GitHub :
    it seems some people are still interested in the software, commits have been made last week.

    thanks for providing info on your background. It has been really interesting to read.
  • I was wondering if there are PLCs which are designed to be embedded into machines, and which include some sort of GUI suitable for machine operators. Something that someone who builds low volume custom machines could use rather than having custom boards built. I saw an acquaintance and it seems like this would be of interest for some of the machines he builds. Right now his GUI is an large LCD panel and various switches.
  • KeithE wrote: »
    I was wondering if there are PLCs which are designed to be embedded into machines, and which include some sort of GUI suitable for machine operators. Something that someone who builds low volume custom machines could use rather than having custom boards built. I saw an acquaintance and it seems like this would be of interest for some of the machines he builds. Right now his GUI is an large LCD panel and various switches.

    The company I work for has used the modular I/O PLCs inside a couple of our products. They've worked well for our needs (valve control and feedback, temperature monitoring, failsafe watchdogs, etc). And their software should be easily usable by anyone familiar with ladder logic.
  • Seairth - thanks for the link. Those look interesting and very reasonably priced. Dumb guy question - if you wanted to use one of their touch controllers, but also have physical control switches on a machine is that easy to integrate together? Just use PLC digital inputs to read the switches? (I've never used a PLC) Just asking in case this acquaintance wanted to use the display as a display, and have separate physical controls. Although maybe having both is nice given the remote control possibilities. It seems that doing as much control via the touch screen as possible would save him a ton of wiring.
  • KeithE wrote: »
    Seairth - thanks for the link. Those look interesting and very reasonably priced. Dumb guy question - if you wanted to use one of their touch controllers, but also have physical control switches on a machine is that easy to integrate together? Just use PLC digital inputs to read the switches? (I've never used a PLC) Just asking in case this acquaintance wanted to use the display as a display, and have separate physical controls. Although maybe having both is nice given the remote control possibilities. It seems that doing as much control via the touch screen as possible would save him a ton of wiring.

    I don't know the answer to that, as we never used their touch controllers.
  • Seairth wrote: »
    I don't know the answer to that, as we never used their touch controllers.

    OK thanks. This is an example of the kind of "GUI" that he would need to replace.
    630 x 377 - 379K
  • JordanCClarkJordanCClark Posts: 198
    edited 2016-05-17 20:26
    KeithE wrote: »
    Seairth - thanks for the link. Those look interesting and very reasonably priced. Dumb guy question - if you wanted to use one of their touch controllers, but also have physical control switches on a machine is that easy to integrate together? Just use PLC digital inputs to read the switches? (I've never used a PLC) Just asking in case this acquaintance wanted to use the display as a display, and have separate physical controls. Although maybe having both is nice given the remote control possibilities. It seems that doing as much control via the touch screen as possible would save him a ton of wiring.

    You have it correct, Keith. The objects on the touch screen will get mapped to internal memory addresses, the physical buttons to physical I/O. Generally, I'll try to put buttons most often used as physical switches (start, stop, reset, for example). Pushbuttons are usually cheaper to replace than a screen.

    Also, unless you're really cramped for space, go for the separate PLC and screen instead of the all-in-one. Once a screen has had the stuffing knocked out it, you would only need to replace the screen and not your entire set of controls.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,188
    KeithE wrote: »
    OK thanks. This is an example of the kind of "GUI" that he would need to replace.

    Hmm, trying to co-opt the PLC panel for user GUI is likely to push you from the simple units, to the Panel-PC level, plus bring in a lot of GUI management.

    Maybe for that level, they should look at something like the FTDI EVE Modules ?

    or this, with more brain power...

    where you use the shield-stack as the PLC backplane.

  • KeithEKeithE Posts: 957
    edited 2016-05-17 23:42
    @jmg - I'm not sure that I fully understand your concern about the GUI management. But I have no experience with these products. They seem to have tools to help you create the GUI, and I believe that was the intent of those TouchPLC products? They seem to have demo software that can be downloaded to see how difficult this would be to do. I thought it would be nice if he could just purchase off-the-shelf modules, and create the control software at a very high level. If he went with those FTDI products, wouldn't it require a fair amount of low level programming to interface with a PLC?

    This is really for an acquaintance, so I'll have to see his reaction to these types of products. e.g. why didn't they go with a PLC years ago? He's currently using some really old electronics and they are turning into unobtanium. And perhaps unmaintainium (e.g. STD bus boards using NEC's D70108C-8 V20 CPU) The ezautomation seems quite reasonably priced compared to some of the things he has to source - it doesn't seem that price is an issue with those products for this type of machine.
  • dMajodMajo Posts: 855
    edited 2016-05-18 00:09
    Beside you have also this options

    If you are used to siemens/simatic you can consider also VIPA (
    They are cheaper than siemens and many times the CPU are faster with more features. They can be programmed with both the siemens simatic IDE and their own software which can program also the siemens PLCs

    Siemens has soft-controllers (PLC) that can run on PCs and/or LCD operator panels. It is a sort of virtualization. The PLC part is isolated from the HMI/PC and each one cant hangup the other.

    But I also suggest you a compact CPU (the ones that comes with integrated IOs) and a separate HMI.
  • @dMajo - thanks for the pointers. I figured there would be a lot of competition, but have no experience in this space. I know someone who used some simple PLCs years ago in small water plants, but didn't pay much attention to what he was doing. And they were much simpler and more expensive than what is available today. Anyways I'll have to see what my friend thinks about this possibility, and he'll need to think about his requirements.
  • dMajodMajo Posts: 855
    edited 2016-05-18 11:19
    You need first to clarify your automation needs. Which and how many IOs you need. For IO I mean everything: digital/analog/pwm/counter(encoder)/....

    Many of the hmi+plc(cpu) have modest built-in IOs and some of them then allows co connect external (remote) IO through some sort of bus. On the other side a compact CPU many times have much more built-in IOs, some times also technological IOs (weighting devices, counters, pwm) beside the traditional digital/analog. Here a compact plc/cpu) with separate HMI panel can give you more for nearly the same money.

    As someone noted frequently used functions are better on hw pushbutton because the maintenance is cheaper. Or at least choose a panel with some soft-buttons more so that you can move the function to another one when the button dies.
    One example of frequently used function is alarm ack or some manual movements that are done many times in a shift/day. The "enter" and "0" and "5" keys are also abused; people tend to round the parameters when inputting them. Here the workaround is to project some soft-keys with predefined values (5/10/100) or addition function (+/-1, +/-5, +/-10, +/-25, +/-50, +/-100) to increase/decrease the value under cursor.
    Pure touch panel in this condition are better unless the operator in his usual working conditions do not have the hands dirt of grease, paint, solvent .... many times even if they use clothes gloves the do not undress them before touching the panel.

    PS: Separate panels are many time OS based. That means that you can easily integrate your functions to the original software (through your components/scripts). For example on siemens win embedded panels you can write you own ActiveX/dll and use them from the HMI IDE.
  • MicksterMickster Posts: 2,747
    edited 2016-05-18 13:10
    Yes, all too often, a piece of equipment or entire production line comes to a grinding halt due to a damaged/failed HMI.
    For this reason, I no longer used dedicated displays/touchscreens but instead use a "ruggedised" Android tablet. In four years I have had zero failures. Should a tablet fail, my customer can simply transfer the software to another device by logging on to the machine's dedicated email address where the APK will show up in the Inbox.

    IMO, dedicated HMIs are obsolete.
  • @Mickster - what do you use to build your interfaces with on Android? And did you have to write all of the PLC communication code from scratch?
  • Hello folks.

    This thread was very interesting to see, as I too have wide experience with PLC systems.
    The Propeller is interesting to me as a sort of "micro PLC".
    My interest in the Propeller for real-world control is for some non-industrial applications I hope to pursue.

    Many significant points have been discussed here already..
    The sphere where modern PLC systems are selected and purchased most typically happens first as a business choice within the business of manufacturing, not as an engineering decision.

    As many have pointed out, the support provided by the PLC vendors, employee training and the continuity of that training are paramount from a business perspective.
    And increasingly, the incredible range of automation-specific network communications protocols and hardware are integral to such decisions from the engineering perspective.

    Online editing, cited here already, is of course a primary aspect of the PLC that separates it from almost all other methods of programmable control. But more than that is the need to help the user avoid costly mistakes while working online with a running automation/manufacturing system. Rockwell/Allen-Bradley and Siemens have invested much to provide this as an essential tool.

    The capability of functional redundancy can be critical to some uses, as is the ever-increasing integration with safety systems (Pilz, Siemens).

    Nor is manufacturing the only use for PLCs where these same attributes of online edit capability, network comms, and vendor field support are critical... shipboard machinery control for Naval craft, commercial cargo ships, and cruise ships are among them.

  • One aspect of the importance of the extensive networking capabilities offered by PLC systems is that the manufacturer may need to integrate various PLC-controlled equipment or process systems from various suppliers, either at the time a manufacturing line is installed and commissioned or later over time, post-commissioning.

    And those suppliers of two or more processes or machines may be working cooperatively together, or they may have competing and contrary interests, or they may never meet or work in the same enterprise envelope..

    Much of the question posed at the top of this discussion could be answered by searching for Profinet.. an amazingly-smart network protocol.

    Having said all that, I have seen and done PLC applications that I'm confident could have been done with a Propeller or three (assuming so, as I'm just learning the prop).

  • Hackaday is running a article on OpenPLC. Very interesting, you can program in ST, LL, IL, etc and it compiles down "C" and a C compiler back end converts it to the appropriate machine code

    They already support multiple hosts from Linux to Windows and a bunch of microcontrollers.

    and the C compiler

    Looks like it might be a good fit for the P-2 once the instruction set is frozen and the compilers can go to work.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,188
    Certainly looks interesting.

    Imagine a combination of Rasp Pi 3 and P2 IO cards...

    Any mix of Quadrature, USB Host, Timing, PWM, with very real time separation.

    If it compiles via C, I wonder if there is enough original Source Debug info preserved, to Source-Code debug ?

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