Laser range finder FW update
in Accessories
How can I update the FW on the laser range finder? I just got it and it has FW version 1.0 - and latest seems to be 2.0
How can I update the FW on the laser range finder? I just got it and it has FW version 1.0 - and latest seems to be 2.0
First you need the Propeller tool installed:
Then download the lastest Firmware:
Open the zip file and find the .eeprom file. Double click and it should open a window in the Propeller tool. At the bottom of the Object Info window, Click on Load EEPROM
and a 4 pin header:
(just break off four pins and solder to the board)
Parallax used to sell a "Prop Clip" which would clip onto the top of the board. As Publison pointed out a Prop Plug would work after you're added some header pins to the board.
Other USB to serial programming boards would likely work but you might need to add a capacitor in series with the reset line. I've used a variety of inexpensive USB to serial boards to program a Propeller. If you already have a one of these type of boards we could walk you through how to use it to program the Laser Range Finder.
When I try to follow the steps I get following (via command prompt or if I double click on the eeprom file). I am able to use the USB connection to talk to board through the LRF image viewer tool though.
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
(c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Program Files\DIFX\8730326CFC0D32D8>DPInst64.exe "C:\Users\Riti\Desktop\EVTRO
N\LRF FW 2.0\LRF_OVM7690.eeprom"
ERROR: Invalid command line parameter 'C:\Users\Riti\Desktop\EVTRON\LRF FW 2.0\L
C:\Program Files\DIFX\8730326CFC0D32D8\DPInst64.exe: installs and uninstalls dri
ver packages.
By default, the tool searches the current directory and tries to install all dri
ver packages found.
Usage: C:\Program Files\DIFX\8730326CFC0D32D8\DPInst64.exe [/U INF-file][/S | /Q
][/LM][/P][/F][/SH][/SA][/A][/PATH Path][/EL][/L LanguageID][/C][/D][/LogTitle T
itle][/SW][/? | /h | /help]
/U INF-file Uninstall a driver package (INF-file).
/S | /Q Silent (Quiet) mode. Suppresses the Device Installation Wizard
and any dialogs popped-up by the operating system.
/LM Legacy mode. Accepts unsigned driver packages and packages with missing
files. These packages won't install on the latest version of Windows.
/P Prompt if the driver package to be installed is not better than the cur
rent one.
/F Force install if the driver package is not better than the current one.
/SH Scans hardware for matching devices and only copies and installs those
drivers for which a device is present. Only valid for Plug and Play drivers.
/SA Suppress the Add/Remove Programs entry normally created for each driver
/A Install all or none.
/PATH Path Search for driver packages under the given path.
/EL Enables all languages not explicitly listed in the XML file.
/L LanguageID Tries to use the given language in all UI. Useful for l
ocalization tests.
/SE Suppress the EULA.
/C Dump logging output to attached Console (Windows XP and above).
/D Delete driver binaries on uninstall.
/SW Suppresses the Device Installation Wizard, the operating system might s
till pop-up user dialogs.
/? | /h | /help Shows this help.
C:\Program Files\DIFX\8730326CFC0D32D8>
Which USB to serial device are you using?
I found my LRF yesterday and. as I offered earlier, I'm willing to try to walk you through the firmware update.
Do you have a link to the USB to serial device you're using?®-WINDOWS-Supported-Raspberry-Programming/dp/B00QT7LQ88?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00
Do you have the Propeller Tool loaded? That is they only way to load the firmware. The command line device drive loader will not work. Once you have the Propeller Tool that I referred to in post # 2, try the instructions I gave.
Thanks a lot!
Give it a shot and report back.
I also think the Prop Plug would be the easiest way to program the LFR but it's also possible to program the LRF with inexpensive USB to serial devices which include a DTR output.
I have a several Prop Plugs (and a Prop Clip) but I also have a bunch of these USB to serial devices.
These cheap converters require a capacitor on the DTR line when programming the Propeller. I've used these many times myself with a 0.1uF cap.
These CP2102 boards are also available from Amazon but they cost a bit more.®-CP2102-Module-Download-Converter/dp/B009T2ZR6W?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00
Yes, that should work. You'll need a capacitor on the DTR line. Do you have a breadboard or a way to solder a cap in series?
Do you have header pins you can add to the LRF?
Thanks a lot for your help.
The third pad from the left on the top of the LRF is the RX pad. This should connect to the TXO on the CP2102 board. The final pad connects with RXI.
After unzipping the archive, double click on "LRF_OVM7690.eeprom" and the Propeller Tool should open. Select "Load EEPROM" from the choices presented.
As I mentioned, I haven't tried this myself yet but I will once I get the needed cap wired in series.
Edit: I tried the above connections without success. I didn't solder any header pins to the top pads so the problem may have been a bad connection as I tried to hold pins to the pads. Let us know if you get yours to work or not. I'll investigate further if you need more help.
I'm also going to try tomorrow as it,s a great piece to have on hand.
It works! I now have 2.0 loaded on my LRF.
Many thanks.
PS: Following USB to uart works with the cap on the DTR (did not try without cap):®-CP2102-Module-Download-Converter/dp/B009T2ZR6W?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00
Very good!
Thanks for letting us know.
that get people confused.
JP1 is used for I/O from the module. JP2 is the programing input. Depending on the Programming module,(PropClip, or PropPlug), you may or not need to solder a header.
Yes I have already found this Pins. I also soldered pins there. Unfortunately, I can not connect. No Propeller chip found on Serial Port
This will have the FTDI drivers included. Install the program with the USB DISCONNECTED. When asked to install the USB driver answer YES.