Nice $35 Android Tablet
I've bought several Android tablets lately and this one's my favorite. Fast Android 5.0, nice clear screen, good sound, good wifi range, decent battery life, does everything well so far. I must admit, I had very low expectations of RCA slapping their name on somebody else's tablet but all that's behind me. I went to order a second one today and the price dropped $5 since I bought. Prolly because the only colors left are blue and purple, but I wanted another blue one anyway. Booya and erco-approved!
Have it shipped free to a WM near you for pickup and try it out for 15 days.
Edit: That's an 8GB unit, here's the same one with 16GB for $40, available in black and purple:
I've bought several Android tablets lately and this one's my favorite. Fast Android 5.0, nice clear screen, good sound, good wifi range, decent battery life, does everything well so far. I must admit, I had very low expectations of RCA slapping their name on somebody else's tablet but all that's behind me. I went to order a second one today and the price dropped $5 since I bought. Prolly because the only colors left are blue and purple, but I wanted another blue one anyway. Booya and erco-approved!
Have it shipped free to a WM near you for pickup and try it out for 15 days.
Edit: That's an 8GB unit, here's the same one with 16GB for $40, available in black and purple:
Wow, that 16GB for $40 is insane.
All my projects are going to be including BT from here on out, and I'm going to use one of these as a remote terminal instead of bringing a laptop with USB-Serial.
Or, maybe a $1 ESP8266 so I don't have to get off the couch to mess with my pond pump.
I see 1GB is pretty common. Guess I never really looked at the specs before.
Anybody else think NSA must be subsidizing the "free" Win10 upgrade in exchange for all the data they'll gain on private citizens? Surely all the keystroke logging bypasses discovered so early were red herrings and we're all trundling happily along with our delusions of privacy...
It appears that sound problems are common with Win 10. I couldn't get my wife's new Win 10 machine to see proper volume for incoming sound from any audio source until I installed a freeware third party graphic equalizer that somehow magically fixed the problem. And none of the solutions like that seem to be universal or consistent. There are many forum posts about similar problems which have gone unresolved for months.
I got a purple one, the only color left. Turns out apropos, given Prince's recent and untimely death.
Funny that some older apps won't work.
Yes, Prince will be missed. And more bad news today from Facebook:
In stark contrast, North Korea's latest Android tablet is quite limited, and spies on you even more than Windows 10.
Wonder if the display itself can be hacked? I think 7 inch displays alone cost more than that!
Thanks erco! Ordered two for the grandkids. :nerd:
A few years ago I hacked a Philips PET702 7-inch portable DVD player and an Ativa (Office Depot house brand) 7-inch picture frame to make them Propeller displays. The 8-inch photo frame I tried was totally out of realm, but both the 7-inch displays used an analog RGB signal that while weird was amenable to being played by the Propeller's video driver. I even presented the photo frame at the 2011 UPEW at Parallax, but I was the first volunteer and they didn't have the recording equipment up for my talk. The technique I developed did require that the original hardware generate all the timing signals for the LCD -- they're quite complex and timing sensitive -- but by hijacking the RGB lines and tapping a couple of other signals to sense the timing, I was able to generate stable high density text displays.
Not sure if an Android tablet would use the same scheme, but it is cheap enough to make a body curious; at $35 it's half the price of either the photo frame or the DVD player even on sale.
I got an email that the two I ordered are in, so I will pick them up after work today on my way home.
It is the first keyboard equipped Android, ever, for me. Already the keyboard is making all the difference in the world. The plan was to give this tablet to my youngest daughter. The new plan is to order another tablet.
How does that keyboard attach, are there POGO pins?