Needm help converting a Basic Stamp program to the Propeller
Posts: 234
I need help converting a BS2 program to the Propeller. I have both the BS2 and Prop versions code below, I am at an impass on the BS2's */ command. BS2 editor states it multiples and returns the middle 16-bits of the variables and/or constants. The Propeller seams to have only * & ** Multiply and return lower or upper 32 bits. So far I have not gotten into stuff like this, so I am not able to figure out how to write the original 'GrafVal = (RawVal - LoScale) */ Scale' for use with the Propeller chip... The only idea I have is something like:
GrafVal := (RawVal-LowScale)
GrafVal := GrafVal * Scale
GravVal := GrafVal >> 8
But I am almost posative that won't do the same thing. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Original Code: Stamp Works V2.1.pdf, on pg41
Current Propeller version:
GrafVal := (RawVal-LowScale)
GrafVal := GrafVal * Scale
GravVal := GrafVal >> 8
But I am almost posative that won't do the same thing. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Original Code: Stamp Works V2.1.pdf, on pg41
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} 'SW21-EX05-LED.BS2 LEDs VAR OUTL LEDsDIRs VAR DIRL Pot PIN 15 DotGraf CON 0 BarGraf CON 1 GraphMode CON BarGraf IsOn CON 1 IsOff CON 0 LoScale CON 10 HiScale CON 695 Span CON HiScale - LoScale Scale CON $FFFF / Span rawVal VAR Word GrafVal VAR Byte HiBit VAR Byte NewBar VAR Byte Reset: LEDsDirs = %11111111 Main: DO GOSUB Read_Pot GrafVal = (RawVal - LoScale) */ Scale GOSUB Show_Graph PAUSE 50 LOOP Read_Pot: HIGH Pot PAUSE 1 RCTIME Pot, 1, RawVal RETURN Show_Graph: HiBit = DCD (GrafVal / 32) IF (GraphMode = BarGraf) THEN NewBar = 0 IF (GrafVal > 0) THEN DO WHILE (HiBit > 0) NewBar = NewBar << 1 NewBar.BIT0 = IsOn HiBit = HiBit >> 1 LOOP ENDIF LEDs= NewBar ELSE LEDs = HiBit ENDIF RETURN
Current Propeller version:
{{BS2 Bargraph.spin Author:Joe R. Version: 1.1 (March 6th, 2016 Updates: Ver 1.0-Original Release 1.1-Added Values to adjust I/O Pins Future Updates:-Add shift register support. -Add support for multiple pattern outputs for multiple bargraph displays. -Add multiple inputs. 1 for each bargraph display. Oridinal File: SW21-EX05-LED_Graph.BS2, Stamp Works Ver 2.1 Pg. 41 Discription: Creates a configurable dot or bar LED graph, such as one on a VU meter or a digital non-numerical fuel or volt gauge display. }} CON _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL16X 'Standard clock mode * crystal frequency = 80 MHz _XINFREQ = 5_000_000 DotGraf = 0 BarGraf = 1 GraphMode = BarGraf 'DotGraf or BarGraf IsOn = 1 IsOff = 0 LowScale = 10 'Low cap reading HighScale = 695 'High cap reading Span = HighScale - LowScale '685 total cap range Scale = $FFFF / Span '95=$FFFF/685 Pot = 12 'Input from RC network. VAR WORD RawVal 'Value from I/O Pins ' BYTE HiBit, NewBar, GrafVal ' ' WORD LEDs, LEDsDirs ' BYTE LowDigitPin, HighDigitPin 'The pins for specifying digits. 'Must be contiguous 'HighDigitPin can be from 0 'to 7 more than LowDigitPin ' PUB Settings(dLow, digits, s0, enabled) '' Start the display '' Parameters: '' dLow - the pin number of the least significant digit '' digits - the number of digits to display (up to 8) '' s0 - the pin number of segment 0 '' enabled - the initial enabled state LowDigitPin := dLow HighDigitPin := dLow + ((digits - 1) <# 16) 'Limit to 16 leds DIRA[LowDigitPin..HighDigitPin]~~ 'Set digit pins to outputs OUTA[LowDigitPin..HighDigitPin]~~ 'Turn off all digits DIRA[Pot]:=%1 Start PUB Start REPEAT ReadPot grafVal := (rawVal - LowScale) */ Scale ShowGraph WAITCNT ((CLKFREQ/1000)*50+CNT) PRI ReadPot OUTA[Pot]:=1 WAITCNT (CLKFREQ/1000+CNT) RCTIME Pot, 1, rawValue RETURN PRI ShowGraph HiBit:=|<(GrafVal/32) IF GrafVal=BarGraf NewBar:=0 IF GrafVal>0 REPEAT WHILE HiBit>0 NewBar = NewBar << 1 NewBar:=%000000000000001 HiBit := HiBit >> 1 ELSE Leds:=NewBar ELES Leds:=HiBit RETURN
Value1 = 100
Value1 = Value1 */ $0180
Value =150
Doing conventionally on a programming calc won't work, so I did
DEC 100 * HEX 0180
Got 38400 and then hit >> on the calc 8 times and got 150
So, Will
GrafVal := (RawVal-LowScale)
GrafVal := GrafVal * Scale
GravVal := GrafVal >> 8
actually work??
Just do: or a bit slower but more readable:
IF GrafVal=BarGraf
IF GrafVal==BarGraf
Going to see if I can spot any issues while waiting for assistance. I think I have the result from the ReadPot and RCTIME done correctly, but nothing I try changes anything...
The Stamp version is displaying the result on a set of 8 LEDs. The logic is similar for 16 LEDs but you'd have to grab the top 4 bits. The Stamp version allows it to display either the single LED, or a bar of LEDs like %1, %11, %111 etc. %11111111
With the ** operator, you have 32 bits to play with.
Scale = $FFFF_FFFF / Span * 256 ' if Span = 685 then scale = 1_605_126_400
then with the **
GrafVal = (RawVal - LoScale) ** Scale
rescales to a maximum value of 256. For example, if RawVal - LoScale = 400, then 400 ** 1605126400 = 149. Note that 400/685 = 149/256
By your current method 400 * 95 >> 8 = 148, just a little more roundoff error from using $FFFF instead of $FFFFFFFF.
For the display, if you want to get the full bar without a REPEAT loop, just calculate from the original hibit value,
newbar := hiBit * 2 - 1 ' e.g. %10000 becomes %11111
It's possible that line is always executing, since it's outside the scope of the ELSE statement. I also think ErSmith is right when he says your := should be an |=
You could also make the code a little faster by using the <<= or >>= versions of shift which combine the shift and the assignment in a single operation, when you're not storing the result to a different variable.
This would be the updated version with all changes:
I first wrote the program the same way in the BS2 editor. Like This? Tried it and no change all leds still on...
I will try that n see if anything changes.
That I didn't catch. Thank you! I fixed it, and tried <<=, >>= & still nada on changes...
I am going to try the serial terminal and debug and try and see what thing is doing.