Can a program who normally uses DEBUG statements send it to a display?

in BASIC Stamp
I am still designing something new and different. I've worked out how to have the Stamp send what happens when it is working with a TI83Plus calculator and it needs to send the same numbers to the target device. That solution was to have a second stamp receive the input from the target and then display it. The first stamp then does the magic concerning the calculator and the target. However the original program is retained and makes use of the the DEBUG statement to show what the matching numbers are. What I'd like to do is send it to a second display instead. Here:
I want to have display #2 take over for this line:
Strange. Erco is that your robot at a rally for a third party political candidate at a political gathering of some kind in the Twin Cities area? I thought he was in the UK playing soccer (English Football)
I am still designing something new and different. I've worked out how to have the Stamp send what happens when it is working with a TI83Plus calculator and it needs to send the same numbers to the target device. That solution was to have a second stamp receive the input from the target and then display it. The first stamp then does the magic concerning the calculator and the target. However the original program is retained and makes use of the the DEBUG statement to show what the matching numbers are. What I'd like to do is send it to a second display instead. Here:
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.0} serdata VAR Byte X VAR Byte again: 'FOR X=1 TO 255 '*****this will wait for serial from calculator SERIN 15,396,[serdata] '***this will send it to the pc debug screen DEBUG DEC serdata, CR 'DEBUG DEC X, CR '***this will send the same data plus 1 back to the calculator serdata=serdata + 1 SEROUT 15,396,[serdata] SEROUT 0,396,[serdata] SEROUT 1,396,[serdata] SEROUT 2,396,[serdata] SEROUT 3,396,[serdata] GOTO again 'NEXTThat's the program.
I want to have display #2 take over for this line:
DEBUG DEC serdata, CROpinions please people.
Strange. Erco is that your robot at a rally for a third party political candidate at a political gathering of some kind in the Twin Cities area? I thought he was in the UK playing soccer (English Football)
My bot IS in the UK, which is precisely why London has Fallen.
Makes sense. I'm just using the normally used commands there so I don't think there will be a problem.
Then erco you've got a problem. That means two robots have escaped, with a possibility of one more planning on doing so.
Especially since one of them has a unique phobia attributed to where you're from.