Looking for CAD Model of Quadrover (Discontinued)
Looking for: 3D CAD Models
Robot: Parallax Propeller QuadRover Robot ("QUADROVER")
URL: http://media.digikey.com/pdf/Data Sheets/Parallax PDFs/28195.pdf
Hello everyone,
I'm in search of a CAD model of the discontinued Quadrover, and was wondering if any of you may know where I can find it. I'm currently working on my senior capstone design project, that includes making modifications to the hydraulic drive system of the Quadrover, and a stock CAD model would definitely go a long way.
I don't want to bore anyone with a long read, so I'll cut that there - but if you're interested in what we're trying to do, I would be glad to discuss it further.
Thank you all in advanced.
Robot: Parallax Propeller QuadRover Robot ("QUADROVER")
URL: http://media.digikey.com/pdf/Data Sheets/Parallax PDFs/28195.pdf
Hello everyone,
I'm in search of a CAD model of the discontinued Quadrover, and was wondering if any of you may know where I can find it. I'm currently working on my senior capstone design project, that includes making modifications to the hydraulic drive system of the Quadrover, and a stock CAD model would definitely go a long way.
I don't want to bore anyone with a long read, so I'll cut that there - but if you're interested in what we're trying to do, I would be glad to discuss it further.
Thank you all in advanced.
I purchased Quadrover.com to host for people interested in repairing/upgrading the Quadrover. Unfortunately a few paying jobs came up. Now sounds like the time to do it.
I received a Quadrover that was missing some hydraulics, and it took me about 6 months to source replacements. I have the CAD drawings that I was going to post to the web site, but if you PM me, I can get them to you right a way.