Requesting ideas and considerations for newbie to R/C with microcontrollers

in Accessories
I am wanting to use a cheap R/C transmitter & receiver system with the Propeller on a rover project. Does anyone have an opinion on this low-cost package?
For $30, it is hard to beat for a newbie who may wind up damaging it somehow. I value the experience here and just wanted to see what the overall feeling is about this particular system. I will be interested in any other low-cost systems that may be reommended. Thank you.
For $30, it is hard to beat for a newbie who may wind up damaging it somehow. I value the experience here and just wanted to see what the overall feeling is about this particular system. I will be interested in any other low-cost systems that may be reommended. Thank you.
The only other downside I can report is that the transmitter takes eight AA batteries, and that the battery cover latch doesn't hold all that well. But for a unit that retails for only $30, those are pretty niggling complaints.
Thanks for the feedback! It sounds like a good setup to start out with. Much appreciated!
Again, some very good comments... JasonDorie, I actually had not even thought about the OBEX... glad you reminded me! Lardom, LiPo will indeed allow for more time in the field. Thanks all!