Help! Motor Setup Problem
Hello! I have recently been building the Elev8 Quadcopter drone (version 2, I know, I am rather late for this whole party)
But I've come across a problem that I have no idea on how to fix.
And since I am not very experienced in building RC models, I suspect it will be a very beginner-ish problem.
Anyway, I am at the step of configuring the motor spin direction, where I plug in the ORX T Six transmitter and receiver.
The receiver/ motor should beep a while, then connect to the transmitter, then just start working, right? Without all the beeping?
Well, instead of connecting and going silent, the motor begins to beep annoyingly.
It's hard to describe in words, so here is a short video:
What on earth is happening?
May I please get some help with this?
Thank you very much!
But I've come across a problem that I have no idea on how to fix.
And since I am not very experienced in building RC models, I suspect it will be a very beginner-ish problem.
Anyway, I am at the step of configuring the motor spin direction, where I plug in the ORX T Six transmitter and receiver.
The receiver/ motor should beep a while, then connect to the transmitter, then just start working, right? Without all the beeping?
Well, instead of connecting and going silent, the motor begins to beep annoyingly.
It's hard to describe in words, so here is a short video:
What on earth is happening?
May I please get some help with this?
Thank you very much!
See what happens if you put the throttle stick all the way up before you turn it on. If it behaves as you expect it should normally, just reverse the throttle channel in the radio and you should be good to go.
I have trouble following the tutorials for setting up the ESC (I am a beginner when it comes to transmitters)
I also unfortunately do not have a programming card, and I am not really in a position to get one (I live overseas, so even if the card itself is $10, the post is whopping $50).
My question mainly is, how do I reverse the throttle range?
You said that I can reverse the throttle channel in the radio, but I have no idea what you mean by that.
Could you please provide me with a pointer on what to do?
Thank you for your wonderful support!
Reversing directions are on page 22, but 18 talks about how to get into the setup menu. I don't have that transmitter, so I can't try it or offer any better advice.
The ESC's on the Ver 3 have a custom firmware installed. I can't even get it.
The Prop could, conceivably do the ESC programming, but I suspect the connections on the HoverFly board are output only, which would mean one-way communication only, and the ESCs I'm familiar with need bidirectional.
I am yet to try these solutions on my drone, but I will certainly give you and update if it doesn't work.
And yes, I luckily have enough propellers (three spare sets, plus the ability to purchase them locally). Thanks for reminding me about that.
After trying all your suggestions (swapping the ESC connected motor, reversing the channel input, starting with 'programming mode'), and none have worked so far.
1. I did try to connect the ESC to another motor, and the motor to a working ESC - the conclusion is that the ESC is causing the problem.
2. I reversed the channel input, but it still caused the same problem. I even tried to connect the ESC in reverse, but to no avail. I also tried to re-connect and reverse-connect the wires of the ESC to the battery - still no success.
3. The ORX refuses to start with my throttle up - so I have no idea how to get into the programming mode.
I think there is something wrong with my ESCs - perhaps they are faulty. If this is the case, is there a way around it? Perhaps re-programming the ESCs somehow? I really don't want to have to buy two more ESCs (or does Parallex have a policy where they supply new parts if the initial kit parts were faulty?)
Thank you again for your help!