New problem but older code

In this code block
The stuff enclosed in the CalcStamp subroutine only works if the other portions are commented out. This is not what the fellow who originally wrote the program that became that subroutine wanted. I refer all of you here . That there is the original page that spawned the efforts of connecting any BS2 device to a TI83Plus calculator with minimal effort.
He wanted us to expand on the original program to have it do things of almost any sort. But what I originally had in mind last year starting about late April was in connecting a Netduino who's made by Secret Labs to BS2 to work on a particular problem and display what was happening on an ordinary LCD display who happened to be a Parallax #27977.
That worked as it happens. My next plans were to add the calculator I/O function to the whole idea and then allow the numerical data generated by the that code block
Sadly the original project was tabled because of other problems. Here I am the following year and I've decided to see if the whole business works. It only works if the serial functions outside of the subroutine are commented out. I'm looking for advice as to why.
One more thing, I've already ruled out a power problem as the batteries used by the BASIC Stamp are practically new. The one for the other guy, is being replaced. More on that later.
Strange no robot here. He's moving again.
In this code block
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.0} T2400 CON 396 LcdBaud CON T2400 'TX PIN 15 'PL0 PIN 0 ' 'PL1 PIN 1 ' LcdCls CON $0C ' clear LCD (use PAUSE 5 after) LcdBLoff CON $12 ' backlight off LcdOff CON $15 ' LCD off LcdOn1 CON $16 ' LCD on; cursor off, blink off LcdOn2 CON $17 ' LCD on; cursor off, blink on LcdOn3 CON $18 ' LCD on; cursor on, blink off LcdOn4 CON $19 ' LCD on; cursor on, blink on ' ' X VAR Word Z VAR Word Z1 VAR Word X2 VAR Word serdata VAR Byte 'SEROUT 15, LcdBaud, [LcdBLoff, LcdOn1, LcdCls] ' PAUSE 5 Main: ' FOR X=1 TO 192 'SERIN 0, LcdBaud, [Z] 'DEBUG Z, X 'SEROUT 1, LcdBaud, [Z] 'SEROUT 15, LcdBaud, [Z] 'serdata=serdata + 1 GOSUB Calcstamp ' 'PULSOUT 14,50 'PULSOUT 14, X 'SEROUT 15, LcdBaud, [X] 'SEROUT 1, LcdBaud, [X] 'PAUSE 250 Z1=Z +128 X2=Z1 +128 ' 'SEROUT 1, LcdBaud, [Z1] 'SEROUT 15, LcdBaud, [Z1] 'SEROUT 1, LcdBaud, [X2] 'SEROUT 15, LcdBaud, [X2] ' 'DEBUG Z1, X2 'serdata=serdata + 1 GOSUB CalcStamp NEXT END CalcStamp: SERIN 14, 396,[serdata] serdata=serdata + 1 SEROUT 14, 396,[serdata] SEROUT 2, 396,[serdata] SEROUT 3, 396,[serdata] DEBUG DEC serdata, CR RETURN
The stuff enclosed in the CalcStamp subroutine only works if the other portions are commented out. This is not what the fellow who originally wrote the program that became that subroutine wanted. I refer all of you here . That there is the original page that spawned the efforts of connecting any BS2 device to a TI83Plus calculator with minimal effort.
He wanted us to expand on the original program to have it do things of almost any sort. But what I originally had in mind last year starting about late April was in connecting a Netduino who's made by Secret Labs to BS2 to work on a particular problem and display what was happening on an ordinary LCD display who happened to be a Parallax #27977.
That worked as it happens. My next plans were to add the calculator I/O function to the whole idea and then allow the numerical data generated by the that code block
CalcStamp: SERIN 14, 396,[serdata] serdata=serdata + 1 SEROUT 14, 396,[serdata] SEROUT 2, 396,[serdata] SEROUT 3, 396,[serdata] DEBUG DEC serdata, CR RETURNto further assist the whole business in deciding what to do next.
Sadly the original project was tabled because of other problems. Here I am the following year and I've decided to see if the whole business works. It only works if the serial functions outside of the subroutine are commented out. I'm looking for advice as to why.
One more thing, I've already ruled out a power problem as the batteries used by the BASIC Stamp are practically new. The one for the other guy, is being replaced. More on that later.
Strange no robot here. He's moving again.
It's the "2-Axis Joystick" with stock #27800.
I figure that the degrees of resolution produces are reasonably better then the few numbers that the calculator produces using those two programs on it, and the BASIC code on the BS2. An update will be posted soon.