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Boe-Bot chassis based Propeller + Raspberry Pi robot gets cover of Servo February 2016 issue! — Parallax Forums

Boe-Bot chassis based Propeller + Raspberry Pi robot gets cover of Servo February 2016 issue!

Bill HenningBill Henning Posts: 6,445
edited 2016-01-23 16:57 in Robotics
Yep, it's one of mine :--)

RoboPi + Raspberry Pi + Boe-Bot chassis + WiFi + USB battery pack + 4xAA

and here is a link to RoboPi, my Prop based robot controller for the Raspberry Pi (and many other SBC's)


  • Congrats Bill!

    That chassis is pleasing to the Parallax eye. :)
  • Thank you!
    Publison wrote: »
    Congrats Bill!

    That chassis is pleasing to the Parallax eye. :)

    I also like the Propeller on top :)

  • Congratulations on getting the front cover. Looks like a cool robot!
  • Thanks guys!
  • Congrats, Bill!

    However, I'm not so sure of this "good looks" robot thing. A neat and tidy robot cannot be trusted.
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2016-01-23 22:00
    Cool, great job.
    However, I'm not so sure of this "good looks" robot thing. A neat and tidy robot cannot be trusted.

    LOL, my robots are probably among the most trusted using that metric.
  • Awesome Bill! I teach Robotics/Programming classes among other things and I've been looking at getting a Prop hat for a Pi that can fit the Parallax robot chassis.
  • Thanks guys!

    I hope to add more goodies to Pie-Boe soon, will post when I update

  • ercoerco Posts: 20,255
    Congrats on a nice looking, cover-worthy bot and another great article. Way to fly the Parallax colors with 'Prop on Top' !
  • Thanks Erco!

    While I may not be here every day like I used to be, I still prefer the Prop for hard real time I/O... and I am (patiently) waiting for Prop 2.
  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    WOW! Great job and congratulations Bill! Can't wait to get my copy...

    With a name like Pie Boe - maybe you can get Billy Blanks to do your advertising!

    800 x 800 - 172K
  • Thanks Whit!

    Hmmm.... I wonder if Billy would air punch using a Pi-Boe?
  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    edited 2016-01-27 13:41
    Got my Servo magazine yesterday Bill - great article and photos.

    Thanks for showing off the Propeller and all its abilities too (and, of course, the greatly beloved BoeBot chassis)! What a great combo with the Pi...

    The Mikronauts site is really got high quality, incredibly impressive and wide-ranging line of products! You've been busy Bill! Keep up the fine work.
  • @Bill Henning

    Congratulations!! Bill. It's sure come a long way since the first time I read about it. :) I'm holding out for the Prop2 version. Does it have a Made in Canada Sticker on it? :)


  • Thank you!

    The Propeller is still my favourite micro controller, and when it is available, the Prop 2 is likely to be next :)

    Thank you for your kind words about my little web site and work too :)

    There will be quite a few more products this year, and more articles incorporating propellers...
    Whit wrote: »
    Got my Servo magazine yesterday Bill - great article and photos.

    Thanks for showing off the Propeller and all its abilities too (and, of course, the greatly beloved BoeBot chassis)! What a great combo with the Pi...

    The Mikronauts site is really got high quality, incredibly impressive and wide-ranging line of products! You've been busy Bill! Keep up the fine work.

  • Thank you!

    I do plan a Prop2 version of course ... and no Made In Canada sticker, but the commercial invoice does say "Kits Made in Canada" which is pretty close :)
    @Bill Henning

    Congratulations!! Bill. It's sure come a long way since the first time I read about it. :) I'm holding out for the Prop2 version. Does it have a Made in Canada Sticker on it? :)


  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    edited 2016-01-27 20:25
    no Made In Canada sticker, but the commercial invoice does say "Kits Made in Canada" which is pretty close :)

    I think your products need one. Add some Parallax "Made in USA" part and some Chinese components and you've got an International Robotics Project - kind of like the Space Station where the components are labeled by country!

    600 x 478 - 57K
  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    Wear your colors proud!
    349 x 237 - 11K
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