I should be able to start my own thread soon. I am putting the final pieces together for a 3 way trade that will put an XTM Mammoth in my hands for my platform. Its a 1/8 scale, 4wd nitro monster truck that is super easy to convert to electric. Already found these conversions to use for reference:
I really want to see your videos, remotely spraying RAIS on hornet's nests, IIRC? (Too busy/lazy to page back right now.)
I have a bit of experience mounting aerosol cans on robots, as does David Dorhout's Nuntius Garder Avenger which sprayed weed killer IIRC (again, too lazy).
Erco, that is awesome, but not sure if an open flame under my house is a wise idea. However, the ability to address spider webs would be remarkable!
I picked up the XTM Mammoth today at lunch so I guess I will be moving any more of my discussion to a new thread. I still need to piggyback this thread in regard to motor selection as I am uncertain to the proper specs. The Telebot3 link I posted earlier states "12 volt gearmotor has an RPM of 350 with no load, and uses 0.5 amps (no load) to 12 amps (stall load)" for his motor, but not sure if that is the best.
Just found this "RovoSpy" WiFi Tank & Spy Camera with lots of cool features, $73 from China. Ready to go and it might work OK for crawl space inspection. Android/iPhone
I have a bit of experience mounting aerosol cans on robots, as does David Dorhout's Nuntius Garder Avenger which sprayed weed killer IIRC (again, too lazy).
I picked up the XTM Mammoth today at lunch so I guess I will be moving any more of my discussion to a new thread. I still need to piggyback this thread in regard to motor selection as I am uncertain to the proper specs. The Telebot3 link I posted earlier states "12 volt gearmotor has an RPM of 350 with no load, and uses 0.5 amps (no load) to 12 amps (stall load)" for his motor, but not sure if that is the best.
Here's a pic of my acquisition:
The engine is already pulled (by my daughter) and I am looking at ways to re-do the transmission. I still need to determine a low RPM motor to use...
Apps at