$5 RadioShack-Make-it-Robotics-IR-Remote-Control
Posts: 20,257
These curious B2-shaped remotes are all over Ebay for $5 and $5.65 on Amazon, free ship. No reviews anywhere, makes me suspicious. Anybody have one to comment, are they Sony SIRC protocol?
6 buttons, button combinations yield 64 different output signals. Not convinced that's better than 64 discrete buttons. http://www.makershed.com/products/make-it-robotic-remote-control-kit?gclid=CMG76b3KicoCFc5gfgodA_ENQw
These curious B2-shaped remotes are all over Ebay for $5 and $5.65 on Amazon, free ship. No reviews anywhere, makes me suspicious. Anybody have one to comment, are they Sony SIRC protocol?
6 buttons, button combinations yield 64 different output signals. Not convinced that's better than 64 discrete buttons. http://www.makershed.com/products/make-it-robotic-remote-control-kit?gclid=CMG76b3KicoCFc5gfgodA_ENQw