L293D Motor controller (the one from the Professional Development Board)

I noticed that motor controllers usually come with extra components and so I was wondering if it's safe to use the L293D just by itself kinda the way it's setup within the Parallax Professional Development Board?
I noticed that motor controllers usually come with extra components and so I was wondering if it's safe to use the L293D just by itself kinda the way it's setup within the Parallax Professional Development Board?
Did I mention same pinout. Drop in replacement.
The SN754410 is better than I thought. I thought it topped out out at 1000ma. Mine do not say "TI" however.
So basically this chip can be used as a motor controller just by itself?
Yes, as long as you stay within the voltage, current, and power ratings of the chip.
PS. How do you know when to put a heat sink, what's the temp threshold?
A less formal method is to run it and add a heat sink if it gets hot enough to shut down or put a blister on your finger tip.