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ELEV8 Ver 3 Builds — Parallax Forums

ELEV8 Ver 3 Builds

PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
edited 2016-04-27 16:11 in Robotics
I finished my Version 3 build , and it when pretty well. No soldering made it a breeze.

The only problem I had was reading the headers on the Flight Controller to insert the Receiver and ESC cable, so I made this up:


Anybody care to share their build experiences?

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  • I will say it is my vision that is impaired, not the instructions. :)
  • One of these kits left Parallax the day before Christmas with Brian Hickey, a local news reporter who flies our UAVs, builds our robots, and routinely brings loads of kids into the office. He says he's doing some assembly videos (and this guy knows video) so it should be interesting to see his build stories too.

    Keep posting Publison!

    Ken Gracey
  • Have you flown it yet?
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2015-12-31 17:26
    Pics without Props, except the one that is on the FC :) )

    Have not flown yet because the instructions to arm were not correct. Jason set me straight.

    To arm the FC, take left and right sticks and bring them to the bottom and both towards the center of the transmitter. To disarm, sticks go to the bottom and towards the outside of the transmitter.
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  • I'm sorry the instructions you needed aren't published yet - they've been written and we are working like crazy to get everything posted to learn!
  • Thanks Matt! I know it's a monumental task to get documentation out.

  • We have just published early versions of some new items in the ELEV-8 Tutorials:

    A tutorial on UAV Safety, Laws, and Good Citizenship
    Updated Step 28 of the Assembly Guide, with procedures for arming and disarming
    A tutorial on How to Fly

    More material, illustrations, and many videos are planned for production very soon.

    In the mean time, Happy New Year everyone!
  • And one more thing, should it become needed (hopefully not), there's now a page for easily finding ELEV-8 v3 compatible accessories and replacement parts, separated from V2 compatible items (though there are some overlaps of course)

    ELEV-8 v3 Product Family

    ELEV-8 V2 Product Family

  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2015-12-31 23:36
    Great stuff Steph! Very helpfull.
  • And one more thing, should it become needed (hopefully not), there's now a page for easily finding ELEV-8 v3 compatible accessories and replacement parts, separated from V2 compatible items (though there are some overlaps of course)

    ELEV-8 v3 Product Family

    ELEV-8 V2 Product Family
    Oh Yes. I'll need them. :)

  • On the step 28 page the LED colors green and red are swapped in the text or in the pics.
  • .
    If you need instructions, you probably shouldn't be building one!!
  • xanadu, thank you for the catch on the images in Step 28. I went in and fixed them so they are now correct.
  • New FAA App for locating airports in you vicinity, I'm guessing based on the GPS on your phone.

    I'm not too keen on their distances. My nearest airport is 18 miles away, they are reporting 3.5 miles in the app.
  • wjsteelewjsteele Posts: 697
    edited 2016-01-12 18:34
    Here's a pic of my weekend build. I posted on Twitter how easy it was to assemble, based on the instructions... fantastic job!

    I'll be designing a few 3D printable accessories for it and posting them as well.

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  • Kyle M.Kyle M. Posts: 112
    edited 2016-01-12 21:53
    Bill, thank you for sharing and for the compliment, always nice to hear!

    The assembly guide continues to expand and improve on a daily basis. We're adding assembly drawings to it today (here's a sample), and just a few hours ago we published an entire tutorial on Calibrating and Performance-Tuning your ELEV-8 v3.

    Please do keep us posted, I'd love to hear more about the accessories you are designing (as well as any other feedback).
    In case you weren't aware, CAD files (3D models and 2D drawings) for the ELEV-8 v3 are available from the downloads section at the bottom of the product page. If the file formats there don't work for you, let me know and I might be able to get other file types out.

    Happy Flying!
  • You guys have been busy! Nice write up Matt.
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