Gps and altitude data from xbee to pc

Im making a weather balloon as my year project.
I want an xbee (pro version) transmit data feom one xbee to another xbee (connected to the pc)
I have no idea how to do that. Please guys help me out here. Im so desperate. I have no idea where to plug the gps reciever even. I have a propeller activity board. Im very new to this. Please post your code here and let me know what i should do. Thankyou guys so much.
I want an xbee (pro version) transmit data feom one xbee to another xbee (connected to the pc)
I have no idea how to do that. Please guys help me out here. Im so desperate. I have no idea where to plug the gps reciever even. I have a propeller activity board. Im very new to this. Please post your code here and let me know what i should do. Thankyou guys so much.
hello im aware of all the xbee types and i bought the xbee pro version
can you please give me the codeto get the altitude aand gps location from one xbee to another xbee(connected to the com puter)
By default, XBee modules will talk to nearby modules. Just add power to two modules and they will automatically transmit data between themselves.
Think of them working like a cable connection. Anything you transmit on the TX port of one XBee will come out of the RX port of the other XBee.
So you might plug one of your XBee's into the USB port of a PC (perhaps using one of the breakout boards Publison linked above). In that case, open a terminal program (such as the Parallax Serial Terminal), set the baud rate you need (might be 57600 or 115200), and connect to the com port that the XBee is connected to. Away you go! You can type stuff and see stuff being received (perhaps from your other XBee module...)
As for that "other" XBee module, which you want to be transmitting GPS data. Well, you will need to do some work there. Essentially you will plug the TX out from the GPS module into the TX of the XBee module, so that the XBee will transmit any data received over to your other XBee on the PC, which will RX the data and show it on the Parallax Serial Terminal. (phew!)
For working with GPS data, you might refer to code examples at Parallax OBEX. You might want to have the PC doing the extraction of altitude/etc.. data, or you might have a suitable Parallax project board doing that- and then transmitting a filtered (human readable) string to the PC. You have options, but you will need to research the best solution for you.
A good Parallax project board to start with would be the Propeller Activity Board , as that already has a socket for an XBee, so your wiring task is simplified, and there are example projects and tips at the Parallax Learn site.
Hope this gets you on a new path. Have fun!