A NEW!! 18.12.2015 Basic Stamp Emulator - Id be happy about some feedback :)
Id like to show you my new (free & open-source) project based on eclipse rcp.
It is an Interpreter + IDE of the Basic Stamp Microcontrollers, so that you can code without a microcontroller and find bugs faster.
Only BS1 is supported yet, but others will follow as soon as possible.
Im developing since 2yrs (more that 10000 lines of code) so id be very happy for any feedback.
Thank you!
Link: https://github.com/EliasGroll/pbi
Id like to show you my new (free & open-source) project based on eclipse rcp.
It is an Interpreter + IDE of the Basic Stamp Microcontrollers, so that you can code without a microcontroller and find bugs faster.
Only BS1 is supported yet, but others will follow as soon as possible.
Im developing since 2yrs (more that 10000 lines of code) so id be very happy for any feedback.
Thank you!
Link: https://github.com/EliasGroll/pbi
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