BIG Lion Bots
Some guys have all the fun. OddBot (Gordon's buddy Russell, of DAGU) shared this cool video of three big lions (look like dragons to my uneducated eyes) at RobotRebels. Guessing they are for a parade, maybe CNY?
Possibly beyond a BS1's capability, so likely using a BS2 or better.
Possibly beyond a BS1's capability, so likely using a BS2 or better.
OddBot had a lot of the building process documented on Let's Make Robots but he didn't want to agree to the new TOS RobotShop imposed so all his stuff was deleted (they deleted all my posts too).
It's hard to overstate the amount of material lost to the world from RobotShop's actions.
Cool video erco. I hadn't seen it. Thanks for posting it.
I followed your whole LMR debacle, such a shame.